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Alexander Michael Edye-Mazowita was born October 4, 1985 to Frances and Garey Edye-Mazowita. Alex has one sibling, Eleanor, and currently resides in Winnipeg, Manitoba.


[edit] Youth

Alex spent his youngest years living in St. Andrews, a small community outside of Winnipeg. At this time, he attended French Immersion at Robert Smith school in Selkirk, Manitoba. Nothing carries over from this time - his friends from St. Andrews and Selkirk either didn't graduate high school, or they broke contact. In grade 4, Alex moved to Winnipeg following the divorce of his parents, and attended Robert H. Smith school. Adjustment to city living was difficult, and Alex spent more time with his Super Nintendo than with friends, although they were very welcoming. Alex was relatively active in extracurricular activities throughout grade school, including swimming lessons, piano lessons, saxophone lessons, drum lessons, soccer, hockey, karate, and taking care of tech roles in school plays from grades 5-10. It is accepted even by Alex Edye himself that he didn't have a very distinct personality at this time, being know simply as the hairy kid or the Nintendo kid. School performance was fairly good, usually ending up as an A average in high school. Alex tended to skip and slack off as much as possible, even going so far as to use the excuse "My car was going to blow up, but then it didn't" three days in a row to skip class.

Alex attended Kelvin High School, and was in the International Baccalaureate program fully until grade 11, at which point he simply took enough classes to have access to special trips to Chicago and the like. It is worth noting that Alex does not harbour much respect for the teachers encountered at Kelvin, save for George Aitkens, Chris Young, and Miles Berdeniuk. Alex graduated Kelvin in 2002 on the honour roll, and enrolled the following year at the University of Winnipeg.

[edit] Post high-school

Alex is currently attending his fourth year at the University of Winnipeg, choosing this year to work towards a kinesiology degree. Throughout the first three years, he couldn't decide which class to take, and so he had enough intro classes from every department to choose between 6 degrees obtainable this year. Alex has taken such classes as World Religions, Principles of Design, Lighting, Classical Mythology, Social Psychology, German, and Spanish. His GPA has been nothing to brag about, especially after losing the notes for all classes two weeks before exams last year. Alex plans to receive a degree to validate the last three years, and then pursue an education most likely at Ryerson.

[edit] Employment

Perhaps Alex's first real job was in Ontario, taking tourist fishermen to secluded islands by boat and carrying gear. Following that seasonal employment, Alex worked for a brief duration at Mona Lisa restaurant, before parting ways following an insane drunken 2 AM rant by the owner on making love to the floor, during which Alex was trying to leave to find something to wrap around his bleeding hand.

Alex signed on to work with the City of Winnipeg Parks & Recreation Department in the summer of Grade 12, and has returned to that job every summer since. Locations are different by year, but Alex supervises wading pools. Another current employment is at the Manitoba Museum, where Alex works as a sleepover group leader.

Recent jobs included working at Archway Marketing Services as a CSR and hosting two nights of Winnipeg Jazzfest.

[edit] Radio

Alex is the host of Metal Without Borders on CKUW FM in Winnipeg, collaborating with the popular website The Metal Observer. The show has been broadcast at varying times for a few years, and seems to be picking up steam, with more interested callers, more funding and prizes, and higher-profile interviews such as Ozzfest performers Chimaira. Alex has 100% responsibility for the show, and tends to throw on techno in the middle of the night so the host of the next show gets a headache early on.

[edit] Hobbies

Alex enjoys working out in various forms - weightlifting, jogging, kayaking, and generally anything that promotes fitness. Alex has rules about food intake, and maintains a body fat percentage of no more than 5%.

He also has a strong interest in videogames, both modern and classic. All-time favorites would include Super Mario World and Ocarina of Time, although more recent games such as Counterstrike:Source and Battle For Middle-Earth 2 occupy a fair chunk of time. Alex was once so addicted to Diablo 2 that he had 6 level 90+ characters on his account.

Alex and a few friends enjoy pro wrestling, and Alex himself watched on and off until November 1998, and has been watching steadily since, although not without much complaining as of late. A friend became married to a girl he met from a wrestling forum, and Alex frequents a certain board himself, although not in the wrestling section, preferring to talk music and offensiveness with the cross section of people there.

Alex has played drums for years, performed his first concert in grade 10 with what now has become Alexander Shaw, and drums up to 2 hours a day.

On the subject of music, Alex has very distinct tastes, although they haven't always been respectable. Until grade 11 or 12 when he was first exposed to European metal, Alex saw Limp Bizkit, Korn, and Metallica as excellent bands. He now avoids at least those first two bands like the plague, and makes a habit of checking out "buzz" bands, although he usually can't understand what the fuss is about. He has a library of approximately 1500 albums. When questioned, Alex gave his thoughts on different musical genres:

  • Folk - "I like it. I have to set aside time for it though, because it seems too empty when I listen to it after my favorite metal bands. There is definately some folk out there that I'd put in my upper echelon of albums".
  • Punk - "First of all, it makes itself obsolete. If people like your message, your style, and you become succesful, you're not punk. It's possibly even more elitist than metal, and I can't figure out why, since anyone past the drummers could be dredged up from the garbage pit of musicians."
  • Emo - "I don't hate the concept of the genre, I hate its byproducts, like those of a nuclear power plant. An annoying high pitched whine, and mutant-looking teenagers with weirdly spaced eyes and stupid emo glasses. I'd like to punch them."
  • Jazz - "If I saw more jazz in Winnipeg than the wankfests that could be upstaged by most drunk metal bands, I might be more hesitant to say it pisses me off. It annoys me even more with all the impressed people standing around who have never seen a real drum solo."
  • Indie - "I don't know why people call Indie a genre, it just means they're unsigned to a major label. And when you get down to it, that probably means they're not that good."

Alex has travelled to see many bands, a list which is roughly the same as his favorite bands. These include:

  • Blind Guardian
  • Gamma Ray
  • Kamelot
  • Nightwish
  • Angra
  • Therion
  • Edguy
  • Children of Bodom
  • Arch Enemy
  • Symphony X
  • Evergrey
  • Mercenary
  • Iced Earth
  • Rage
  • Circle II Circle
  • Vanden Plas
  • Secret Sphere
  • Apocalyptica
  • Redemption
  • Pagan's Mind
  • Manticora
  • Stride
  • Conception
  • Orphaned Land
  • Stratovarius
  • Pink Cream 69
  • Symphorce
  • Pain of Salvation
  • Tad Morose
  • Brainstorm
  • Wuthering Heights
  • Dreamscape
  • Adagio
  • Into Eternity, etc.