From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Article List of countries by total length of pipelines matched rule \Westh?onia 10 points
- Lead of the article List of countries by total length of pipelines matched rule \Westh?onia 20 points
- Article List of countries by total length of pipelines matched rule \Wlatvij?a\W 10 points
- Lead of the article List of countries by total length of pipelines matched rule \Wlatvij?a\W 20 points
- Article List of countries by total length of pipelines matched rule \Wlithuania 10 points
- Lead of the article List of countries by total length of pipelines matched rule \Wlithuania 20 points
Total 60 points
- Article FC Flora Tallinn statistics and records matched rule \Westh?onia 10 points
- Article FC Flora Tallinn statistics and records matched rule \Wtallin+\W 10 points
- Lead of the article FC Flora Tallinn statistics and records matched rule \Wtallin+\W 20 points
- Article FC Flora Tallinn statistics and records matched rule \[\[Estonia 10 points
- Article FC Flora Tallinn statistics and records matched rule Estonia\]\] 10 points
Total 50 points
- Article List of Mil Mi-8/17 operators matched rule \Westh?onia 10 points
- Article List of Mil Mi-8/17 operators matched rule \Wlatvij?a\W 10 points
- Article List of Mil Mi-8/17 operators matched rule \Wlithuania 10 points
Total 30 points
- Article Estonia at the 2008 Summer Paralympics matched rule \Westh?onia 10 points
- Lead of the article Estonia at the 2008 Summer Paralympics matched rule \Westh?onia 20 points
- Article Estonia at the 2008 Summer Paralympics matched rule \[\[Estonia 10 points
- Lead of the article Estonia at the 2008 Summer Paralympics matched rule \[\[Estonia 20 points
- Article Estonia at the 2008 Summer Paralympics matched rule Estonia\]\] 10 points
- Lead of the article Estonia at the 2008 Summer Paralympics matched rule Estonia\]\] 20 points
Total 60 points
- Article Igor Prins matched rule \Westh?onia 10 points
- Lead of the article Igor Prins matched rule \Westh?onia 20 points
- Article Igor Prins matched rule \Wtallin+\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Igor Prins matched rule \Wtallin+\W 20 points
- Article Igor Prins matched rule \[\[Estonia 10 points
- Lead of the article Igor Prins matched rule \[\[Estonia 20 points
- Article Igor Prins matched rule Estonia\]\] 10 points
- Lead of the article Igor Prins matched rule Estonia\]\] 20 points
Total 80 points
- Article 2008 Shanghai International Film Festival matched rule \Wlithuania 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Roberto Meloni (singer) matched rule \Wlatvij?a\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Roberto Meloni (singer) matched rule \Wlatvij?a\W 20 points
- Article Roberto Meloni (singer) matched rule \[\[Latvia 10 points
- Lead of the article Roberto Meloni (singer) matched rule \[\[Latvia 20 points
- Article Roberto Meloni (singer) matched rule Latvia\]\] 10 points
- Lead of the article Roberto Meloni (singer) matched rule Latvia\]\] 20 points
Total 60 points
- Article Maigonis Valdmanis matched rule \[\[Latvia 10 points
- Lead of the article Maigonis Valdmanis matched rule \[\[Latvia 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Valdis Muiznieks matched rule \[\[Latvia 10 points
- Lead of the article Valdis Muiznieks matched rule \[\[Latvia 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Sir Peter Buckton matched rule \Wlithuania 10 points
- Article Sir Peter Buckton matched rule Lithuania\]\] 10 points
Total 20 points
- Article FIBA Diamond Ball matched rule \Wlithuania 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Mersrags matched rule \Wlatvij?a\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Mersrags matched rule \Wlatvij?a\W 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Rootare-Prenzlow Equation matched rule \Westh?onia 10 points
- Lead of the article Rootare-Prenzlow Equation matched rule \Westh?onia 20 points
- Article Rootare-Prenzlow Equation matched rule \[\[Estonia 10 points
- Lead of the article Rootare-Prenzlow Equation matched rule \[\[Estonia 20 points
Total 40 points
- Article Hillar Rootare matched rule \Westh?onia 10 points
- Article Hillar Rootare matched rule \Wtallin+\W 10 points
- Article Hillar Rootare matched rule \Wnarva\W 10 points
- Article Hillar Rootare matched rule \[\[Estonia 10 points
- Article Hillar Rootare matched rule Estonia\]\] 10 points
Total 50 points
- Article Timeline of music in the United States (1920 - 1949) matched rule \Westh?onia 10 points
- Article Timeline of music in the United States (1920 - 1949) matched rule \Wlithuania 10 points
Total 20 points
- Article Timeline of music in the United States (1880 - 1919) matched rule \Westh?onia 10 points
- Article Timeline of music in the United States (1880 - 1919) matched rule \Wlithuania 10 points
- Article Timeline of music in the United States (1880 - 1919) matched rule \[\[Estonia 10 points
Total 30 points
- Article Georg von Oettingen matched rule \Westh?onia 10 points
- Lead of the article Georg von Oettingen matched rule \Westh?onia 20 points
- Article Georg von Oettingen matched rule \Wtartu\W 10 points
- Article Georg von Oettingen matched rule \Wlivonia 10 points
- Article Georg von Oettingen matched rule \[\[Estonia 10 points
- Lead of the article Georg von Oettingen matched rule \[\[Estonia 20 points
- Article Georg von Oettingen matched rule Estonia\]\] 10 points
- Lead of the article Georg von Oettingen matched rule Estonia\]\] 20 points
Total 80 points
- Article Polekhs matched rule \Wlithuania 10 points
- Lead of the article Polekhs matched rule \Wlithuania 20 points
- Article Polekhs matched rule \[\[Lithuania 10 points
- Lead of the article Polekhs matched rule \[\[Lithuania 20 points
Total 40 points