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Alec JamesEpidemic is the best thing to happen to this planet. This is why many users of wikipedia have tried to get him banned, they feel threatened. This is understandable.


[edit] Early Life

In Alec's early life he realized he was as powerful as Jesus Christ or God on crack cocaine. He decided to use this strength for good, this lead to the take over of evil forum on [1] and the creation of the super hero team known to evil doers as INJ or International Noize Jihad. Alec along with Jar Jar Binks helped create mormonism. Though Alec knows the religion is bullshit, Jar Jar does not. Alec was actually the one who killed Hitler during the second world war. Keep in mind this was all during the time when he was 11.

[edit] Alec's Opinion

Is worth 300,000 times the average humans, with the exception of LOLA MADISON MATTHEWS and Waffleby.



Is a Canadian foreign exchanged soldier from France. He was sent to the American army in search of a tasty burger during the Korean war


Is the only thing in the universe more powerful than Alec and Jar Jar Binks combined. Link to a website on lola [2]

[edit] Alec's arch enemy

After years of fighting evil Alec encountered many evil villans, but there has never been one as formidable as Sven Kops or Kip Rotten. Kip is Alec's brain twin, except evil. Alec and Kip Rotten are arch rivals... But Alec shall leave victorious.