Alexandroni Brigade

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The Alexandroni Brigade (the 3rd Brigade) is an Israel Defense Forces brigade that fought in the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. Along with the 7th Armoured Brigade both units had 139 killed during the Battles at Latrun.


[edit] Units

  • 32nd Battalion was in the 1948 Latrun Battles

[edit] Katz controversy

In 1998, Teddy Katz wrote a master's thesis at Haifa University arguing that the Alexandroni Brigade committed a massacre in the Arab village of Tantura during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. The veterans of the brigade sued Katz for libel. During the court hearing Katz conceded by issuing a statement withdrawing his own work. He then tried to withdraw his statement, but the court disallowed it and ruled against him. A committee at Haifa University found problems with the thesis. Some quotations in the thesis did not accord with interview recordings, although only 6 out of a total of 243 testimonies were misrepresented, such as substituting the word "German" for "Nazi." The university suspended his degree and asked him to resubmit his thesis. The new thesis was given a "second-class" pass.[1]

[edit] References

  1. ^ MERON RAPOPORT. "Alone on the barricades", Ha'aretz, 6 May 2005. 

[edit] See also

[edit] External links
