Alexander von Frantzius

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Alexander von Frantzius (June 10, 1821 - July 18, 1877) was a German physician and naturalist.

Frantzius collected natural history specimens in Brazil from 1849-1853 and Costa Rica in 1853, many of which he sent to Jean Cabanis at the Berlin Museum. He set up a pharmacy in San José in Costa Rica, employing José Castulo Zeledón as his assistant. He returned to Germany in 1868.

He is commemorated in the names of a number of animals, including the Prong-billed Barbet Semnornis frantzii, the Fiery-billed Aracari Pteroglossus frantzii, the Mountain Elaenia Elaenia frantzii and the Ruddy-capped Nightingale-thrush Catharus frantzii.
