Alexander II Zabinas

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Alexander II Zabinas (Greek Ἀλέξανδρoς Zαβίνας), ruler of the Greek Seleucid kingdom, was a counter-king who emerged in the chaos following the Seleucidian loss of Mesopotamia to the Parthians. Zabinas was a false Seleucid who claimed to be an adoptive son of Antiochus VII, but in fact seems to have been the son of an Egyptian merchant; he was used as a pawn by the Egyptian king Ptolemy VIII Tryphon. Ptolemy VIII introduced Zabinas as a means of getting to the legitimate Seleucid king Demetrius II, who supported his sister Cleopatra II against him in the complicated dynastic feuds of the latter Hellenistic dynasties.

Zabinas managed to defeat Demetrius II and thereafter ruled parts of Syria (128 BC-123 BC), but soon ran out of Egyptian support and was in his turn was defeated by Demetrius' son Antiochus VIII Grypus. As a last resort, Zabinas plundered the temples of the Seleucid capital Antiochia. He is said to have joked about melting down a statuette of the goddess of victory Nike which was held in the hand of a Zeus statue, saying "Zeus has given me Victory".

Enraged by his impiety the Antiochenes expelled Zabinas, who was captured and executed shortly thereafter. "Zabinas" is a derogative name meaning "the bought one". For reasons unknown, Alexander II was the only late Seleucid not to use epithets on his coins.

Preceded by
Antiochus VII Sidetes
Seleucid King
128–123 BC
Succeeded by
Antiochus VIII Grypus
Cleopatra Thea