Alexander Ablesimov

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Alexander Ablesimov
Alexander Ablesimov

Aleksander Onisimovich Ablesimov, (Russian: Александр Онисимович Аблесимов, born September 9 August 28, 1742 Galichsky district, Kostroma; died 1783) was a Russian opera librettist, poet, dramatist, satirist and journalist.

[edit] Biography

Worked as copyist for Alexander Sumarokov. Published his fables and satirical poems. Wrote the libretto for the early Russian-language opera by Mikhail Sokolovsky The Miller who was a Wizard, a Cheat and a Match-maker (Мельник - колдун, обманщик и сватMelnik - koldun, obmanshchik i svat 1779 Moscow, c.1795 St Petersburg), which was popular for three decades, and established a new operatic genre in Russia – a comedy about everyday life with spoken dialogue.

He also wrote libretti for two comic operas by M. Ekkel and a dramatic dialogue on the opening of Petrovka Theatre in Moscow.

[edit] Bibliography

  • Frolova-Walker, Marina: Russian Federation, 1730-1860, Opera in The Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, vol. 21 ISBN 0-333-60800-3
  • Собрание сочинений изданное в одном томе Смирдиным (неполное), СПБ.
  • Полное собрание стихотворений (1849) в «Русской поэзии» под ред. С. А. Венгерова, т. I. — СПБ. 1897.
  • Венгеров С. А. Источники словаря русских писателей. т. I. — СПБ. 1900.
  • Венгеров С. А. Критическо—биографический словарь русских писателей и учёных. т. I. — СПБ. 1889.
  • Соч., СПБ. 1849; [Соч.], в кн.: Русская комедия и комическая опера XVIII в., М.—Л., 1950.
  • История русской литературы XVIII в. Библиографический указатель. Под ред. П. Н. Беркова, Л., 1968.
  • Энциклопедический словарь Брокгауза и Ефрона (1890—1907).

[edit] External links
