Alberto Marvelli

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Alberto Marvelli (21 March 1918 - October 5, 1946) was an Italian Catholic activist.

Born at Ferrara, he was given a Christian formation by his mother, who kept their home open to the poor. Through his upbringing he became a firm defender of the poor in his later years.

In Rimini, Marveli attended the Salesian Oratory and was involved with the Catholic Action group in his parish.

When he was only 18, Marvelli was elected president of Italian Catholic Action. Marvelli graduated in 1941 with a degree in engineering and shortly after began teaching in a high school. In this period he devoted himself to service of those in need, and prayer.

During World War II, Marvelli continued to serve to poor at great personal cost and risk. He is known to have given away even his bicycle and the shoes off his feet to those most in need. During the German occupation, he saved numerous people from deportation to the concentration camps.

After the war Marvelli was chosen by the community of Rimini to take on many positions of responsibility for the rebuilding of the town.

He was killed in October 1946 when an army truck struck on him.

Blessed Marvelli is commemorated 5 October.

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