Alberta Theatre Projects

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Alberta Theatre Projects (ATP) is a Canadian theatre production company, founded in 1972, and based out of the Martha Cohen Theatre in Calgary, Alberta.

Mission Statement: ATP’s work is intended to be entertaining and a celebration of Canadian theatrical talent. ATP showcases recent Canadian and international successes, while the Enbridge playRites Festival nurtures, develops and produces original material. Through mentorship and sharing our resources, ATP strives to leave a legacy in the community.

The company is committed to maintaining a balanced fiscal position and employing sound management practices.


[edit] Facts

ATP started as a children’s company in 1972 specializing in historical plays and has now grown into one of the largest producers of new plays in Canada. Originally located in the 198 seat Canmore Opera House at Heritage Park, ATP’s current location is in the 480 seat Martha Cohen Theatre. As of 2007/2008, ATP has produced 323 plays, 227 of them Canadian, and 117 World Premieres. That is 70% Canadian content during ATP’s 34 years of programming. Since the Betty Mitchell Awards (Calgary's theatre awards) were introduced in 1998, ATP has received 62 awards.

[edit] Enbridge playRites Festival

Enbridge playRites Festival was piloted in 1987, and was a leading performing arts event of the 1988 Olympic Arts Festival in Calgary. As of 2007/2008, 90 plays have been produced in the Enbridge playRites Festival during its 21 years, all of them World Premieres. Of those plays 56 of them have gone on to receive subsequent productions. There have been over 235 productions of plays premiered at the Enbridge playRites Festival throughout Canada and around the world. As part of the Enbridge playRites Festival, ATP has produced work by over 70 Canadian playwrights, including: Linda Griffiths, Colleen Murphy, Mieko Ouchi, Conni Massing, Eugene Stickland, Stephen Massicotte, Joan MacLeod, Sally Clark, Wendy Lill, Brad Fraser, Guillermo Verdecchia, Janet Munsil, Sean Dixon, and Sky Gilbert.

[edit] Productions

Outside the Enbridge playRites Festival, ATP produces five contemporary plays each season. Recent productions include: The Goat or, Who is Sylvia? (Edward Albee), Peter Pan (J. M. Barrie, adapted by Jeffrey Pitcher), Amadeus (Peter Shaffer), The Syringa Tree (Pamela Gien), Treasure Island (Robert Louis Stevenson, adapted by Michael O’Brien), The Clean House (Sarah Ruhl) and Vincent in Brixton (Nicholas Wright). ATP has also presented work by Canadian companies such as: Theatre Newfoundland Labrador, Ronnie Burkett Theatre of Marionettes, Mammalian Diving Reflex and The Old Trout Puppet Workshop.

[edit] References

Henighan, Tom (2000). The Maclean's Companion to Canadian Arts and Culture. Raincoast Books. ISBN 1-55192-298-3. 

[edit] External links