Alberta Highway 734

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[[Image:|48px|Highway 734]]

Highway 734 (northern section also called Forestry Trunk Road) is a north-south gravel road located east of Grande Prairie, in western Alberta.

Highway 734 on Alberta map

It is an unpaved road, used for forestry, oil exploration and hunting (northern leg) and fly fishing, horseback riding (southern leg). In winter and spring, 4WD is highly recommended, as maintenance is done irregularily and the road can be damaged by floods[1]. Sections of this road can be closed during the winter months. Except Nordegg, there are no services located along this road.

The road crosses the Simonette River, Latornell River (north leg), Brazeau River, Blackstone River, Clearwater River, Red Deer River (south leg) and other minor creeks. The South Ram Falls are also located along this road[2].

The southern leg of the road is an extension of Highway 40 to the south, from Pembina Forks to Nordegg, and through the eastern slopes of the Canadian Rockies foothills, to the Red Deer River. It is part of the Bighorn Highway.

[edit] Mile by mile description

( 53°55′27.3″N, 118°40′07.9″W)

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Forestry trunk road - Photos and reports of flood damage
  2. ^ South Ram Falls on the Forestry Trunk Road