Albert Tessier

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Albert Tessier (March 6, 1895 - September 13, 1976) was a French-speaking Canadian priest, historian and a film maker.

He was born on in Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade, Mauricie.


[edit] Life as a Priest and Educator

He was ordained priest by Monsignor François-Xavier Cloutier in June 1920 and got a PhD in Theology in Rome in 1922. He moved back to his native area in 1924 and began a career as a teacher and professor of history and literature. In 1937, he replaced Thomas Chapais and took over the Chair in History of Canada at the Université Laval.

[edit] Promoting Local Identity

Tessier was known to be very proud of his area of origin. He coined the word Mauricie in 1933 to designate his native area. Before then, the expression «Saint-Maurice Valley» had been used. Many of the movies that he produced informed the public about the area's background.

[edit] Film Maker

From 1925 until his death, he made more than seventy non-fiction movies. His favorite subjects are nature, history, religion, education and culture. His filmography consists of:

  • Arbres et bêtes, 1942-1943
  • Artisanat familial, 1939-1942
  • Baie d'Hudson, 1950
  • Bénissez le Seigneur, 1937
  • Les Bourgault, 1940
  • C'est l'aviron qui nous mène, 1942
  • Cantique de la Création, 1942
  • Cantique du soleil, 1935
  • Centenaire, 1934
  • Chutes de divers films d'Albert Tessier
  • Congrès eucharistique trifluvien, 1941
  • Conquête constructive, 1939
  • Credo du paysan, 1942
  • Dans le bois, 1925-1930
  • Démonstrations religieuses trifluviennes, 1933-1936
  • Des Trois-Rivières à la Rivière-au-Rat visite à La Pierre, 1941-1944
  • La Mauricie, 1952
  • Écoles de bonheur, 1954
  • Écoles et écoliers, 1939-1940
  • Écoles ménagères régionales, 1942
  • Écoles ménagères régionales femmes dépareillées , 1942
  • Femme forte, 1938
  • Femmes dépareillées réalisation et commentaires, 1948
  • La forêt bienfaisante, 1942-1943
  • Gloire à l'eau, 1935-1950
  • La Grande vie tonifiante de la forêt, 1942-1943
  • Hommage à notre paysannerie, 1938
  • L'Île-aux-Coudres, 1939
  • L'Île-aux-Grues, terre de sérénité, 1939
  • L'Île d'Orléans, reliquaire d'histoire, 1939
  • L'Île fleurie, 1939
  • Indiens de la Mauricie, 1936
  • Ma famille, 1938
  • Le Miracle du curé Chamberland, 1938
  • Mont-Carmel, 1939
  • Parki-parka, 1951
  • La Pêche, 1937-1940
  • Pot-pourri d'animaux, 1940-1950
  • Pour aimer ton pays, 1942
  • Quatre artistes canadiens, 1938-1948
  • Ralliements ménagers, 1949-1951
  • Rocheuses, 1950
  • Tavibois, 1950
  • Tourisme nautique, 1936
  • Trois-Rivières, 1949
  • Trois-Rivières, 1932
  • Trois-Rivières, 1934
  • Trois-Rivières sous la neige, 1937
  • Un sport passionnant ; La chasse aux images, 1936-1942

[edit] Death

Albert Tessier died at the Saint-Joseph Hospital in Trois-Rivières on September 13, 1976.

[edit] Legacy

The following were was named in Tessier's honor:

[edit] External links
