Albert Gombault

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François Alexis Albert Gombault (October 2, 1844 - 1904) was a French neurologist who was a native of Orléans. He was a student and associate of Jean-Martin Charcot (1825-1893), and also known for his work at Victor André Cornil's (1837-1908) laboratory of pathological anatomy.

In 1880 Gombault published an early description about a type of hypertrophic neuritis that was later to known as Dejerine-Sottas syndrome. With Charcot, Gombault made important contributions in the research of cirrhosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

  • Eponyms associated with Gombault:
  • Charcot-Gombault necrosis: a biliary infarct, which is a late-stage complication of extra-hepatic cholestasis. (Eponym known from historical literature}.
  • Gombault-Philippe triangle: a triangular field formed in the conus medullaris by the fibers of the septomarginal tract. Named with pathologist Claudien Philippe (1866-1903).

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