Albena Bakratcheva

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Albena Bakratcheva
Albena Bakratcheva

Albena Bakratcheva (Bulgarian: Албена Бакрачева) (born 3 July 1961) is a Bulgarian Americanist[1][2], best known for her work on American Transcendentalism[3][4].
Albena Bakratcheva, D.Litt., is Associate Professor of American Studies at the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, New Bulgarian University, Sofia.


[edit] Biography

[edit] Degrees

Albena Bakratcheva received her master's degree in Bulgarian Literature and English Studies from the St Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia in 1984. She defended her PhD thesis on Eighteenth-Century British Novel and Late Nineteenth-Century Bulgarian Fiction in 1995, and in 2007 was awarded a higher doctorate (D.Litt.) for her dissertation on The Artistic Discourse of American Transcendentalism.

[edit] Academic career

Albena Bakratcheva has taught on the Department of English, American University in Bulgaria (AUBG), Blagoevgrad (1995-1996), on the Faculty of Slavic Studies at the Department of Theory of Literature, University of Sofia (1995-1996), on the Faculty of Philology at the Department of Foreign Languages, South-West University "Neofit Rilski", Blagoevgrad (1997-2002), and at the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, New Bulgarian University, Sofia (2002-current).
Albena Bakratcheva specialized in John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies. Freie Universitat Berlin (1992), the State University of New York Geneseo (1993-94) as a Fulbright fellow, and in the 1999 Summer Institute on Contemporary American Literature. University of Louisville, Kentucky.

[edit] Administrative career

Since 2002, Albena Bakratcheva is Chair of the American and British Studies Program, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, New Bulgarian University[5][6].

[edit] Bibliography

[edit] In English

  • Bakratcheva, A. (2001). From Interculturality to Multiculturality in Liberal Education - In: FULBRIGHT, Globalization and Cultural Differences. Proceedings of the Fourth International Fulbright Conference, Sofia, May 19-21, 2000. Sofia: Bulgarian-American Commission for Educational Exchange.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2002). The Sun Is but a Morning Star. Online Anthology of American Literature: Volumes I-VI[7]
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2003). A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever. Online Anthology of British Literature: Volumes I-VI[8]
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2003). Interculturality in the Garden: Americanization and Otherness - In: eRUNSMAGAZINE.COM, Issue 6, February.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2003). A Fate That Never Turns Aside: Globalization and Convergence - In: FULBRIGHT, Knowledge, Power and Freedom in a Changing World. Proceedings of the Fifth International Fulbright Conference, Sofia, May 16-18, 2002. Sofia: Bulgarian-American Commission for Educational Exchange.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2003). Visibility Beyond the Visible: American Transcendentalism and/in Bulgarian Culture - In: ZENAF Conference Proceedings, 'Cultural Exchanges between Central/Eastern Europe and America' - East-West American Studies Conference, 29 May - 2 June, 2002 at the Zentrum für Nordamerika-Forschung, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität. Frankfurt am Main: Volume 3.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2003). The Wild, The West, The World: The Wild West World or the World Wild West - In: Annual of New Bulgarian University. Department of Applied Linguistics. Issue: Applied Linguistics and Methodics of Foreign Language Teaching. Sofia: New Bulgarian University Press.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2004). Frontier Transcendences: The Need for Local Memories - In: America in the 21st-Century. Proceedings of the International Conference of the Bulgarian-American Fulbright Commission and the Bulgarian American Studies Association (BASA), Sofia, November 21-22, 2003 (Issued on CD). Sofia: Bulgarian-American Commission for Educational Exchange.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2005). The Strange Liberty of Walking 'Walden' - In: The Concord Saunterer. Special 'Walden' Sesquicentennial Issue: Walden the Place and 'Walden' the Book. Published Annually by The Thoreau Society, Concord, Massachusetts, U.S.A.: Volume 12/13, 2004/2005.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2005). Locating the American Voice: Space Relation as Self-Identification in Henry David Thoreau's Vision - In: How Far is America from Here? Selected Proceedings of the First World Congress of the International American Studies Association 22-24 May 2003. Edited by Theo D'haen, Paul Giles, Djelal Kadir, and Lois Parkinson Zamora, Series: TextxeT. Studies in Comparative Literature 47. Amsterdam-New York, NY: Rodopi.[9]
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2005). With or Without Principle: Transcending Transcendentalism. Aesthetic Controversies, Receptional Modes - In: Annual of New Bulgarian University. Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures. Issue: Language, Literature, Culture, Volume 6. Sofia: New Bulgarian University Press.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2005). The Sun Is but a Morning Star. Anthology of American Literature: Volume I. Sofia: New Bulgarian University Press.[10]
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2006). Metamorphoses of the Frontier: Realities and Haunting Ghosts of Americanization - In: eRUNSMAGAZINE.COM, Issue 42, February.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2006). Revelations of the Place: Transatlantic Romantic Globalizations - In: Spaces, Gaps, Borders. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of the Bulgarian Society for British Studies held in Sofia, 24-26 October, 2003. Volume I, Literature and Cultural Studies. Edited by Dr. Svetlin Stratiev and Assoc. Prof. Vesela Katsarova. Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2006). Resounding New England Culture Today: Poetic Voices and Visions - In: Culture, Education and Leadership Today and Tomorrow. Proceedings of the 7th International Fulbright Conference, Sofia, May 12-13, 2006 (Issued on CD). Sofia: Bulgarian-American Commission for Educational Exchange.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2007). Thoreau's Way from Emerson to Thoreau: The Gesture of Self-Naming - In: The Thoreau Reader, EServer Web Publishing Project, at Iowa State University. Ed. by Richard Lenat. Iowa: Ames.

[edit] In Bulgarian

  • Bakratcheva, A. (1987). The Limits and Possibilities of the Literary Theory (1986) (Граници и възможности на литературознанието (1986)) - In: ABV, Sofia, 1, 6.1.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (1988). Need or Possibility? (Потребност или възможност) - On the book series of 1986/87 Writer and Society - In: Septemvri, Sofia, 6.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (1989). The Saga of Arthur and His Knights (Сказание за Артур и неговите рицари") - On the epic Le Morte d'Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory, Bulgarian translation (1989) - In: Puls, Sofia, 6, 6.2.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (1990). Not To Be Afraid of Virginia Woolf (Без страх от Вирджиния Улф) - On the Bulgarian translation (1989) of Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf - In: Panorama, Sofia, 3.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (1990). Politics as Novel and Novel as Politics (Политиката като роман и романът като политика) - On the Bulgarian translation (1989) of Norman Mailer's Armies of the Night - In: Panorama, Sofia, 6,
  • Bakratcheva, A. (1992). Similarities in Divergences. Narrative Parallels in the Works of Oliver Goldsmith and Mihalaki Georgiev (Близост в отличията. Особености на повествованието у Михалаки Георгиев и Оливър Голдсмит) - In: Ezik i Literatura, Sofia, 2.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (1993). Life as Vocation. Preface. (Животът като призвание, предговор) - In: H. D. Thoreau, Walden. Civil Disobedience. Sofia: Narodna Kultura.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (1993). 'Thus the Novel Beginneth...' Narrative Features in the Eighteenth-Century British Novel and Late Nineteenth-Century Bulgarian Fiction ('Тъй се почнуват романите...' Особености на реалистичното повествование в английския просвещенски роман и българската следосвобожденска белетристика) - In: Literaturna Misal, Sofia, 1
  • Bakratcheva, A. (1995). Similarities in Divergences. Realistic Narrative Characteristics in the Eighteenth-Century British Novel and Late Nineteenth-Century Bulgarian Fiction (Близост в различията. Особености на реалистичното повествование в английския просвещенски роман и българската следосвобожденска белетристика). Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (1995). Visibility Beyond the Visible. American Literary Transcendentalism (Видимост отвъд видимото: Американският трансцендентализъм) - In: Ezik i Literatura, Sofia, 3.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (1996). The Psychological Mystery of Crime: Patricia Highsmith (Психологическата мъглявина на престъплението: Патриша Хайсмит) - In: Vek 21, Sofia, 22, 13-20.10.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (1997). Potentialities of Discourse. Bulgarian/British-American Cross-cultural Dialogues (Заложби на отвореността). Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press.[11]
  • Bakratcheva, A. (1997). Amidst the Eternal Cycle: Gloria Naylor (Сред вечния кръговрат: Глория Нейлър) - In: Vek 21, Sofia, 1, 17-23.1.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (1997). The Unity of the Whole: Joyce Carol Oates (Единството на цялото: Джойс Каръл Оутс) - In: Vek 21, Sofia, 5, 14-20.2.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (1997). The Dark Side of the Ego: Margaret Drabble (Тъмната страна на собственото Аз: Маргарет Драбъл) - In: Vek 21, Sofia, 12, 2-8.5.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (1997). Thoreau in Bulgaria (Торо в България) - In: Demokraticheski pregled, Sofia, 32, Summer.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (1999). Late 19th-Century Bulgarian Fiction in the Light of the European Novelistic Tradition (Българската следосвобожденска белетристика в светлината на европейската романова традиция) - In: Balgarskata myara v literaturata. Sofia: Balgarski pisatel, 3.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2000). Unitarianism in the Spiritual Tradition of American Transcendentalism (Унитариатството в духовната традиция на американския трансцендентализъм) - In: Filosofia, Sofia, 1.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2001). Life Without Principle. Selected Works of Henry David Thoreau (Живот без принцип. Избрани произведения от Хенри Дейвид Торо). Sofia: LIK Publishing House.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2001). Visibility Beyond the Visible. Preface. (Видимост отвъд видимото, предговор) - In: Life Without Principle. Selected Works of Henry David Thoreau. Sofia: LIK Publishing House.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2001). American Transcendentalism (Американският трансцендентализъм) - In: Kant and the Kantian Tradition in Bulgaria. Volume in Honor of the 100th Anniversary of Prof. Tzeko Torbov. Sofia: LIK Publishing House.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2001). Inspiration in the Aesthetical Vision of the American Transcendentalists (Вдъхновението във философско-естетическата система на американските трансценденталисти) - In: Filosofia, Sofia, 1.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2001). The Foundations of American Transcendentalism: Puritanism and 18th-Century Rationalism (Първоосновите на американския трансцендентализъм - пуританство и просвещенски рационализъм) - In: Filosofski forum, Sofia, III, Vol. 9, No. 1.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2003). Transcendentalism and Romanticism: Transatlantic Parallels (Трансцендентализъм и Романтизъм: трансатлантически ракурси) - In: Sledva, Sofia, Issue 6, August.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2004). Transatlantic Metamorphoses of Postkantianism: Ralph Waldo Emerson (Трансатлантическите преображения на посткантианската мисъл: Ралф Уолдо Емерсън) - In: Kant and the Dialogue of Traditions. Volume Dedicated to the 280th Anniversary of Immanuel Kant's Birth and the 200th Anniversary of his Death. Blagoevgrad: Neofit Rilski University Press.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2004). American Transcendentalism (Американският трансцендентализъм) - In: Media Times Review, Issue April.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2004). The Transatlantic Identity of the Transcendentalist (Трансатлантическата идентичност на трансценденталиста) - In: Literaturen vestnik, Sofia, 15, 14-20.4.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2004). The Poet-Priest: the Aesthetic Model for the American Transcendentalists (Поетът-проповедник: естетическият модел на американските трансценденталисти) - In: Ezik i Literatura, Sofia, 1-2.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2004). American Transcendentalism: Artistic/Religious Practice and Way of Life (Американският трансцендентализъм - художествено-религиозна практика и начин на живот) - In: Filosofia, Sofia, 2.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2004). The American 'Defense of Poetry' - Apotheosis of the American Poet (Американската 'Защита на поезията' - апотеоз на американския поет) - In: Foreign Language Teaching, Sofia, 4.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2005). Traditions and Individual Talent: Emerson and Thoreau (Традиции и индивидуален талант: Емерсън и Торо) - In: Ezik i Literatura, Sofia, 1-2.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2005). Mentorship as Vocation: Thoreau through the Eyes of Emerson (Менторството като призвание: Торо през погледа на Емерсън) - In: Filosofia, Sofia, 4.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2006). The Ecopoetic Thoreau (Екопоетичният Торо) - In: Ezik i Literatura, Sofia, 1-2.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2006). 'Walden': Thoreau's Artistic Harmony ('Уолдън': Художествената хармония на Хенри Дейвид Торо) - In: Sledva, Sofia, Issue 14, May.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2006). In the Harmony of a Sanctuary Preserved: Walden, Thoreau and 'Walden' (Сред хармониите на опазената святост: Уолдън, Торо и 'Уолдън') - In: Filosofia, Sofia, 4.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2007). Thoreau's 'Homeric Experiment' ('Омировският експеримент' на Хенри Дейвид Торо) - In: The Word - Ancient and Modern. Jubilee Conference of the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology. Volume 1/2005, Edited by Svetlana Arnaudova. Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2007). The Glamorous Burst of American Critical Thought: Margaret Fuller (Яркото зарево на американската критическа мисъл: Маргарет Фулър) - In: Ezik i Literatura, Sofia, 3-4.
  • Bakratcheva, A. (2007). Visibility Beyond the Visible. The Artistic Discourse of American Transcendentalism (Видимост отвъд видимото. Художественият дискурс на американския трансцендентализъм). Sofia: New Bulgarian University Press.

[edit] Editorials and Translations

  • Patricia Highsmith: Deep Water. Novel. 1988
  • Wole Soyinka: Nobel Lecture 1986; The Lion and the Jewel, The Swamp Dwellers, Death and the King's Horseman. Plays. - In: Wole Soyinka: Eternal Cycle. 1989
  • Henry David Thoreau: Walden. Civil Disobedience. 1993
  • The Unifying Aspects of Cultures. Frontier Metamorphoses: Americanization and Otherness - In: Trans Internet-Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften 15.Nr, Mai 2004. Research Institute for Austrian and International Literature and Cultural Studies (INST) Vienna, Austria.

[edit] Citations

  • Albena Bakratcheva - Bulgarian Literature: Crossroad and Crucifix, Publisher LiterNet, 30.11.2002 - In: THE BULGARIAN-TURKISH INTERETHNIC PROBLEMS IN MODERN BULGARIA AND ITS EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM, By Orlina Boteva, A Thesis for the Degree of Master of Arts, The Graduate School, The University of Maine, May, 2004[12]
  • Albena Bakratcheva - Interculturality in the Garden: Americanization and Otherness, Publisher LiterNet, 25.12.2002 - In: M2 - Les USA et le monde : perspectives environnementalistes[13]
  • Албена Бакрачева - Американският трансцендентализъм, Издателство LiterNet, 15.07.2000 - В: А. А. Градинарова, БОЛГАРСКИЙ СУБЪЕКТНЫЙ ИМПЕРСОНАЛ И ЕГО РУССКИЕ ФУНКЦИОНАЛЬНЫЕ СООТВЕТСТВИЯ (ACTA LINGUISTICA)[14]

[edit] References

[edit] External links
