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Bold text. At a glance, we can see different types of people who endeavor to have their certain goals. Obviously, all these goals are made to have a more convenient life. Whether these goals are easy or hard to be attained, you will find each person has his own strategies and plans through which he could satisfy his desires and then live a “good life”. As long as the people differ in their backgrounds, cultures, religions, and thinking, they absolutely differ in the definition of “Good Life” and in the way through which they attain it. There are many answers for the question of “What is the good life? And how can it be attained?”
When we ask the little kids in a pre-school about what they want to be in the future You will see a diversity in responses. In most cases, these responses reflect their adolescence and adulthood concerns. So, I believe that the goals of those little kids are improving over the time and become the incentive for them in adulthood. Upon maturity, our needs change and so does the meaning of good life. Because of new relationships, jobs, education, marriage, and children our values and sights change, and hopefully for the better. At an old age, our relationships and how we deal with others become our main concerns. Therefore, the meaning of good life is improving according the life stages and other circumstances and interferences.
To live in a good life, you should not focus only on your main concern, whether it is education, money, happiness, fame, or religion, but instead, take your sufficiency from each of these living demands but do not be greedy or covetous. Try to control and overcome the circumstances and the interferences which may compel you to favor one specific demand over others. After you attain a stable comfortable life, concentrate on your main concern and try to be a proficient in that specific concern.
In order to keep it good in your life always recall your good morals and values which inspire and motivate you to do meaningful things. Always be a good person, it is important for your own well being as well as for the others. By doing so, you will guarantee at least an acceptable life and you will have your desires satisfied and your fancies restrained.