Alain de Coëtivy

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Alain (II) de Coëtivy (8 November 1407, Plounéventer, Léon - 4 May 1474, Rome) was a prelate from a Breton noble family. He was bishop of Avignon, Uzès, Nîmes and of Dol, titular cardinal of San Praetextato, then cardinal-bishop of Palestrina and cardinal of Sabina. His mother was Catherine du Chastel, and her brother was Tanneguy du Chastel, soldier and favourite of Charles VII.

[edit] Career

He also held the benefices of the parish of Marsac, which he resigned at the request of Pierre II de Bretagne on 4 September 1451. It was he who created the parish of Saint-Yves-des-Bretons in Rome, with Pope Nicholas ceding Saint-André-de-Mortaraziis to the Breton nation, who reconsecrated it to their saint Yves.[1]

He opposed Basilios Bessarion for his Greek background. He was sent as a pontifical legate to Charles VII, king of France, in 1456, charged by Pope Pius II with making Charles set out on a crusade against the Turks. He died in Rome, at his palace on Campo de' Fiori, on 3 May 1474 and was buried in Rome.

[edit] Source

  • This page is a translation of its French equivalent.

[edit] Bibliography

  • Albanès, Joseph Hyacinthe (completed, annotated and published by Chevalier Ulysse), Gallia christiana novissima. Histoire des archevêchés, évêques et abbayes de France d'après les documents authentiques recueillis dans les registres du Vatican et les archives locales.
  • Catel, Guillaume de, Histoire de Languedoc
  • Léon Ménard, Histoire de Languedoc
  • Germer-Durand Eugène, Le Prieuré et le Pont de Saint-Nicolas-de-Campagnac
  • De la Roque, Louis, Armorial de Languedoc
  • Histoire générale du Languedoc
  • Charvet, Georges, La première maison d'Uzès, étude historique et généalogique de la première maison d'Uzès suivi du catalogue analytique des évêques d'Uzès (Nîmes, edited by Lacour-Ollé, 2002 reissue)