Talk:Al Khazneh

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Wasn't this in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade? Huh, wasn't it?

-Yes, it was used as the entrance to the Grail Temple. Aside, can we please have some mention here of how old it is thought to be, and who is thought to have built it? --Bumper12.

[edit] More, more more

I am fascinated by this ancient site. I wanted to know more about it, of course, so I came to Wikipedia. It isn't often that I'm disappointed here, but this is one of those times. This article needs some detail. Who built it? When? Why? Is there an interior? What was it used for? When was it discovered (or was it ever lost)? Has it been excavated? Have artifacts been found inside? How long did it take to carve? If there is an interior, was it carved, as well, or did builders take advantage of some kind of natural feature?

Looking forward to some kind, knowledgeable soul stepping up. Kjdamrau 19:39, 24 July 2007 (UTC)kjdamrau