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This article is within the scope of WikiProject Iceland, a WikiProject related to the nation of Iceland. If you would like to participate, you can edit the article attached to this page, or visit the project page, where you can join the project and/or contribute to the discussion.
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I think this page needs a total rewrite, or at least total re-structuring. --Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason 08:19, 2004 Mar 30 (UTC)

..And i just started to do that, currently it looks like an empty shell with the text not fitting into the catagories, but it's getting there, whats mainly needed first is...
  • getting some factual information at and put it in the proper places in the article.
  • Define what needs to be written, i think there should be at least an article on the Listigarður ( the main park ), the cultural life, the main places to visit, cafés and so on, these stubs could be here first and later moved to another place if someone really wants to write a long piece they can do that, put it in another page and move said stub out of here.
  • Get lots of pictures, New York, New York should be a standard here.

This sure is an ambitious project, I hope to take an active part in it. :) Biekko 11:38, 30 Mar 2004 (UTC)

Check out Wikipedia:WikiProject_Cities for the basic shell i put in place, we'll probably drop some catagories but it would be nice to fill at least some info in all of them.
About the pictures, i cant take any since i'm abroad right now, it would probably be a good idea to contact the people in charge of and get permission to use those images, i'll do that once i find a email address on the page.
Oh and welcome, and thanks for fixing the link to UNAK;=)
--Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason 14:18, 2004 Mar 30 (UTC)
Just sent the letter to gunnarf at, the email i found in the ISNIC whois database so it might not be the official contact, the letter follows:
Ég, ásamt öðrum sjálfboðaliðum að skrifa grein um akureyri sem birtist á Wikipedia - Frjálsu alfræðiorðabókinni. það sem er komið þegar sést á slóðinni , Textinn á grein þessari er undir "GNU Free Documentation Licence" ( ).
Allavegana, best að koma sér að efninu, Það er nokkrir hlutir sem væri gott en ekki alveg nauðsynlegt að hafa, til dæmis myndir af akureyri. Sem einmitt er svoldið af á heimasíðunni. Sem dæmi þarf þessi grein myndir, sem meðal annars væri gott að fá hjá ykkur. Þetta getur gerst á þrennan máta.
1. Þið getið látið okkur fá þær undir GFDL leyfi sem þýðir að þær haldast undir því leyfi, þannig að t.d. ef einhvertíman einhver vildi gefa þær út í bók ásamt þessari grein ( eða með annari ) gæti hann haft þær þar.
2. Þið getið gefið okkur þær undir 'fair use' sem þýðir að við fáum leyfi til að nota þær þarna og hvergi annars staðar.
3. Þið getið neitað.
Að svo loknu vil ég biðja þig annaðhvort að gefa okkur leyfi skv. skilmálum nr. 1 en ef það er alls ekki mögulegt nr. 2, ég sé ekki að þetta myndi vera nema gott fyrir bæinn þar sem wikipedia fær um 4.5milljón heimsóknir á mánuði, þó vissulega ekki bara á þessa grein, heldur alla síðuna.
Mikilvægt er þó að hafa í huga að þessi grein verður skrifuð af hlutlausu sjónarmiði og yrði alls ekki einhver einhliða auglýsing heldur eins og eitthvað sem væri líklegt til að birtast í alfræðiorðabók ( sem þetta er einmitt ).
Sjá: fyrir meiri upplýsingar um wikipedia.
Með fyrirfram þökk, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason

Biekko: I reverted your change about removing the timezone and also the location in standard degrees, the reason for this is that its not some list i made up. It's a standard list from Wikipedia:WikiProject_Cities ( though, admittedly for a US city ), but a foreigner might not know the timezone.

In any case i think its best to keep to the standard. --Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason 20:20, 2004 Mar 30 (UTC)

As you said, the standard is for a US city, there is alot of info there irrelevant to Icelandic towns and info that is perhaps relevant to Icelandic towns is missing, I'm thinking about constituencies, post codes etc. I think that if someone needs to know about the Akureyri time zone they can easily look at the Iceland page. Time zones are not a distinctive characteristic of Icelandic towns, they are all in the same one. We could then just as well add another box to the table to say that the town is in Europe, it just doesn't fit there, this is the standard ICELANDIC town table that we are creating here and I think it should include info that is unique for each town. I'd like to point to city tables such as Stockholm or Oslo that do not follow the proposed US format. And I don't get what is supposed to be where the XXX is now in the global position box. ---Biekko 20:44, 30 Mar 2004 (UTC)

Agreed about the time zone, you should change that to postcode and perhaps add some other iceland-specific info,
The XXX is a standard degree format, which is standard. dont remove it, i just havent got the absolute position yet,
Ok, find out about Reykjavík as well while you're at it and add it to the table I put in the Reykjavík article. I will add the constituency info to the tables. Perhaps we can think of something more, average temperature or something.
Danm the degrees, i cant find the specific location anyway, lets just use the simple format.

[edit] Quick question - Pronounciation

How is Akureyri pronounced?

(Thanks to whoever added a pronounication guide since I asked) 00:37, 9 October 2006 (UTC)

I'd add a sound file too except it would be better if a local read it. I have the wrong dialect. Haukur 00:41, 9 October 2006 (UTC)
The local just did. I tried to make it natural and not to exaggerate the accent. --Bjarki 02:05, 12 October 2006 (UTC)