Akhil Bharatiya Jan Sangh

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Akhil Bharatiya Jan Sangh
Leader Balraj Madhok
Headquarters J-394, Shankar Road, New Delhi - 110060
Political ideology Hindutva
See also the politics of India series

Akhil Bharatiya Jan Sangh (अखिल भारतीय जनसंघ, All India Popular Union) is a Hindu nationalist political party in India. The party claims to be the authentic Bharatiya Jan Sangh, which is the precursor of the Bharatiya Janata Party. ABJS was founded by Balraj Madhok, a former general secretary of BJS who had been expelled from that party in 1973, after he left the Janata Party in 1979. Madhok remains a leading figure in ABJS.

The general secretary of ABJS is Prafull Goradia, a former BJP Rajya Sabha MP.[1]

ABJS presses for rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandits and scrapping of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution.