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Aitic, the Agency for international trade information and cooperation, is an intergovernmental organisation helping less-advantaged countries benefit from the globalisation process and the multilateral trading system by assisting them in taking a more active part in the work of the WTO and other trade-related organisations in Geneva.

Based in Geneva, AITIC works for delegates from diplomatic missions of less-advantaged countries in Geneva. Less-advantaged countries have traditionally not had active participation in the multilateral trading system and face structural and institutional constraints regarding international trade issues. Most of these countries have small missions and not enough human resources to monitor the work of the trade-related organisations in Geneva. AITIC therefore works to improve less-advantaged countries' participation and voice in trade negotiations.

Set up as part of Switzerland's assistance policy to developing countries and economies in transition in the field of trade, AITIC has established a niche in catering for the delegates present in Geneva and neighbouring capitals. These delegates, who are at the forefront of the international trade battlefield, need assistance which is difficult to obtain from larger organisations with well-established long-term programmes. As a small, non-bureaucratic agency, AITIC hopes to have the flexibility to fill this gap.

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