
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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// [[User:ais523/wikibreakenforcer.js]]
// An 'improved' version of [[Wikipedia:WikiProject User scripts/Scripts/WikiBreak Enforcer]]
// Can enforce semiwikibreaks (with limited editing allowed) as well as 'true' wikibreaks
// Note that this will only work perfectly if you always use the same user/browser/computer
// combination.
// Thanks to [[User:HG]] for the idea.
// Before including this script, set the following variables:
// wbeEditTime      How long you can edit for at a time (in minutes); set to 0 to turn this off
// wbeWaitTime      How long you have to wait before editing periods (in minutes)
// wbeEndDateY      Year at which this script stops enforcing wikibreaks (e.g. 2007)
// wbeEndDateM      Month number at which this script stops enforcing wikibreaks (e.g. 9 for 
//                  September)
// wbeEndDateD      Day in the month at which this script stops enforcing wikibreaks
// wbeBlockAnon     Prevents you even viewing/editing Wikipedia as an anon if set to true (only do 
//                  this if you have the 'remember me' option set); if set to false, you can view and
//                  edit Wikipedia as an anon.
// If you find yourself locked out by this script by mistake, or change your mind about installing
// it, you can either uninstall it during an editing period, or request an administrator to remove
// it for you.
/* An example of how to include this script in your monobook.js:
//<source lang="javascript">
function wbestartlogon()
  if(!confirm("Start a temporary logged on session for up to "+wbeEditTime+" minutes (when it ends,"+
              " you will be locked out for "+wbeWaitTime+" minutes)?")) return;
  var d=new Date();
  d.setTime(new Date().getTime()+(wbeEditTime+wbeWaitTime)*60000);
  document.cookie="ais523wbest="+(new Date().toUTCString())+"; expires="+(d.toUTCString())+
                  "; path=/;";
var wbeDelayedInnerHTML;
function wbedelbodyset()
function wbedelbodysetdelay()
if(new Date().getTime()<new Date(wbeEndDateY,wbeEndDateM-1,wbeEndDateD).getTime())
  // It's still in the wikibreak period.
  var dc=document.cookie.split(';')
  var i=dc.length;
  var wbest="";
  while(i--) if(dc[i].split('=')[0].indexOf("ais523wbest")!=-1) wbest=dc[i].split('=')[1];
  // Three possibilities.
  if(wbest==""||new Date().getTime()-new Date(wbest).getTime()>=(wbeEditTime+wbeWaitTime)*60000)
    // There isn't a blocking cookie at the moment, or it's expired.
    var ih;
    ih= "<div style='font-size:24px'><h1>Wikibreak Enforcer</h1>";
    ih+="<p>You can log on at the moment.</p>";
    ih+="<p>Choose one of these options:<ul>";
      ih+="<li><a href='javascript:wbestartlogon()'>Start a temporary logged on period.</a></li>";
      ih+="<li><a href='/wiki/Special:Userlogout'>View/edit Wikipedia as an anon.</a></li>";
    ih+="<li>Go to another website (you don't need to click on this option, just go there).</li>";
    // Disable all other scripts
    doneOnloadHook=1; addOnloadHook=function(x){}; importScript=function(x){};
    window.doneOnloadHook=1; window.addOnloadHook=function(x){}; window.importScript=function(x){};
    onloadFuncts=[]; window.onloadFuncts=[];
  else if(new Date().getTime()-new Date(wbest).getTime()<wbeEditTime*60000)
    // Do nothing; we're in an allotted edit time.
  else if(new Date().getTime()-new Date(wbest).getTime()<(wbeEditTime+wbeWaitTime)*60000)
    // In a blocked period at the moment.
    var ih;
    ih= "<div style='font-size:24px'><h1>Wikibreak Enforcer</h1>";
    ih+="<p>You're currently automatically blocked by the enforcer, to enforce your wikibreak.</p>";
    ih+="<p>Choose one of these options:<ul>";
      ih+="<li><a href='/wiki/Special:Userlogout'>View/edit Wikipedia as an anon.</a></li>";
    ih+="<li>Go to another website (you don't need to click on this option, just go there).</li>";
    ih+="<li><a href='javascript:location.reload(true)'>Refresh this page.</a></li>";
    // Disable all other scripts
    doneOnloadHook=1; addOnloadHook=function(x){}; importScript=function(x){};
    window.doneOnloadHook=1; window.addOnloadHook=function(x){}; window.importScript=function(x){};
    onloadFuncts=[]; window.onloadFuncts=[];
//[[Category:Wikipedia scripts]]