Airline codes-P

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A list of all Airline codes. The table lists the IATA airline designators, the ICAO airline designators and the airline call signs (telephony designator). Historical assignments are also included for completeness.

Airline codes for airlines beginning with:

All - 0-9 - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

[edit] IATA airline designator

IATA airline designators, sometimes called IATA reservation codes, are two-character codes assigned by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) to the world's airlines in accordance with the provisions of IATA Resolution 762. They form the first two characters of the flight number.

Designators are used to identify an airline for all commercial purposes, including reservations, timetables, tickets, tariffs, air waybills and in airline interline telecommunications. There are three types of designator: unique, numeric/alpha and controlled duplicate.

Since 1987 the (ICAO) has been issuing three-letter codes, which are due to be adopted by IATA.[citation needed]

IATA maintains two policies to deal with the limited number of available codes:

  1. after an airline is delisted, the code becomes available for reuse after six months;
  2. IATA issues "controlled duplicates".

Controlled duplicates are issued to regional airlines whose destinations are not likely to overlap, in such a way that the same code would be shared by two different airlines. The controlled duplicate is denoted here with an asterisk (*) following the code and in IATA literature as well.

[edit] ICAO airline designator

The ICAO airline designator is a code assigned by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to aircraft operating agencies, aeronautical authorities and services. The codes are unique by airline which is not true for the IATA airline designator codes.

Each aircraft operating agency, aeronautical authority and services related to international aviation is allocated both a three-letter designator and a telephony designator. The designators are listed in ICAO Document 8585: Designators for Aircraft Operating Agencies, Aeronautical Authorities and Services.

An example is:

  • Three-letter designator - AAL
  • Telephony designator - AMERICAN
  • Operator - American Airlines

Certain combinations of letters are not allocated to avoid confusion with other systems (for example SOS). Other designators particularly those starting with Y and Z are reserved for government organizations.

Designator YYY is used for operators that do not have a code allocated.

[edit] Call signs

Most airlines employ a distinctive and internationally recognized call sign that is normally spoken during airband radio transmissions as a prefix to the flight number. The flight number is normally then published in their public timetable and appears on the arrivals and departure screens in the airport terminals served by that particular flight. In cases of emergency, the airline name and flight number, rather than the individual aircraft's registration, are normally mentioned by the main news media.

Some call signs are less obviously associated with a particular airline than others. This might be for historic reasons, or possibly to avoid confusion with a call sign used by an established airline.

Not all of these operators of aircraft are civilian and some only operate ad hoc chartered flights rather than scheduled flights; some operate both types of flights. Some cargo airlines specialize in freight transport, an emphasis that may be reflected in the company's name.

Clearly companies' names will change over time, normally due to bankruptcies or mergers occurring. Country names can also change over time and new call signs may be agreed in substitution for traditional ones. The country shown alongside an airline's call sign is that wherein most of its aircraft are believed to be registered, which may not always be the same as the country in which the firm is officially incorporated or registered. There are many other airlines in business whose radio call signs are more obviously derived from the trading name.

The callsign should normally resemble the operators name or function and not be confused with callsigns used by other operators. The callsign should be easily and phonetically pronounceable in at least English, French, Spanish or Russian.

[edit] Codes

Airline codes
IATA ICAO Airline Callsign Country Comment
KTL P & P Floss Pick Manufacturers KNOTTSBERRY South Africa
PCR PAC Air PACAIR United States Pearson Aviation Corporation
PDQ PDQ Air Charter DISPATCH United States
XAS PHH Aviation System United States
PDG PLM Dollar Group OSPREY United Kingdom
U4 PMT PMTair MULTITRADE Cambodia Progress Multitrade
PRP PRT Aviation PRONTO Spain
JIA PSA Airlines BLUE STREAK United States part of US Airways
KST PTL Luftfahrtunternehemen KING STAR Germany
WIS Paccair WISCAIR United States
Y5 PCE Pace Airlines PACE United States
PAB Pacific Air Boats AIR BOATS Canada
PRC Pacific Air Charter PACIFIC CHARTER United States
PCF Pacific Air Express PACIFIC EXPRESS United States
PXP Pacific Air Transport PAK EXPRESS United States
BL PIC Pacific Airlines PACIFIC AIRLINES Vietnam
PAK Pacific Alaska Airlines PACIFIC ALASKA United States
PCV Pacific Aviation (Australia) PACAV Australia
PCX Pacific Aviation (United States) United States
DJ PBN Pacific Blue BLUEBIRD New Zealand Controlled Dupe IATA with Virgin Blue
PQA Pacific Coast Airlines SAGE BRUSH United States
8P PCO Pacific Coastal Airline PASCO Canada
Q8 PEC Pacific East Asia Cargo Airlines PAC-EAST CARGO Philippines
PFA Pacific Flight Services PACIFIC SING Singapore
PIN Pacific International Airlines ROAD RUNNERS United States
PSA Pacific Island Aviation PACIFIC ISLE United States
PCJ Pacific Jet PACIFIC JET United States
PPM Pacific Pearl Airways PACIFIC PEARL Philippines
PAR Pacific Rim Airways PACRIM Australia
PS PSX Pacific Southwest Airlines SMILEY United States defunct
LW NMI Pacific Wings TSUNAMI United States
GX Pacificair Philippines
PFR Pacificair Airlines PACIFIC WEST United States
RCY Package Express RACE CITY United States
PAE Paisajes Espanoles PAISAJES Spain
PKW Pak West Airlines PLATINUM WEST United States
PK PIA Pakistan International Airlines PAKISTAN Pakistan
PKR Pakker Avio PAKKER AVIO Estonia
LPA Pal Aerolineas LINEASPAL Mexico
PPC Palau Asia Pacific Airlines PALAU ASIAPAC Palau
GP PTP Palau Trans Pacific Airline TRANS PACIFIC Palau
PF PNW Palestinian Airlines PALESTINIAN Egypt
JSP Palmer Aviation PALMER United Kingdom
NR PIR Pamir Airways PAMIR Afghanistan
PFN Pan African Air Services PANAFRICAN Sierra Leone
ODM Pan African Airways Kenya
PAX Pan Air PANNEX United States
XPA Pan Am Weather Systems United States
PWD Pan Am World Airways Dominican Republic
PN Pan American Airways United States defunct
PA PAA Pan American Airways United States defunct
PA PAA Pan American World Airways CLIPPER United States
PEA Pan Europeenne Air Service France
PHT Pan Havacilik Ve Ticaret PANANK Turkey
PMA Pan Malaysian Air Transport PAN MALAYSIA Malaysia
PQ PNF Panafrican Airways PANWAYS Ivory Coast
PGI Panagra Airways PANAGRA United States
PEI Panamedia PANAMEDIA Spain
PVI Panavia Panama
PHU Pannon Air Service PANNON Hungary
PNM Panorama PANORAMA Spain
PAH Panorama Air Tour LANI United States
AFD Panorama Flight Service AIRFED United States
P8 PTN Pantanal Linhas Aéreas PANTANAL Brazil
HMP Papair Terminal PAPAIR TERMINAL Haiti
PAI Paradise Airways SEA RAY United States
PDI Paradise Island Airways PARADISE ISLAND United States
PGX Paragon Air Express PARAGON EXPRESS United States
PGF Paragon Global Flight Support United Kingdom
PRR Paramount Airlines PARAMOUNT Sierra Leone
I7 PMW Paramount Airways PARAWAY India
APE Parcel Express AIR PARCEL United States
PRA Pars Aviation Service PARSAVIA Iran
FAP Parsons Airways Northern Canada
PSC Pascan Aviation PASCAN Canada
PTB Passaredo Transportes Aereos PASSAREDO Brazil
PTC Patria Cargas Aereas PATRIA Argentina
BYT Patriot Aviation Limited BYTE United Kingdom
ETL Patterson Aviation Company ENTEL United States
PHE Pawan Hans PAWAN HANS India
IRP Payam Air PAYAMAIR Iran Air Center Service
KGC Peach Air GOLDCREST United Kingdom
PRL Pearl Air PEARL LINE Pakistan
PBY Pearl Air Services PEARL SERVICES Uganda
HP HPA Pearl Airways PEARL AIRWAYS Haiti IATA code withdrawn
PVU Peau Vavaʻu PEAU Tonga
PXA Pecotox Air PECOTOX Moldova
H9 PGT Pegasus Airlines SUNTURK Turkey WAS 1I
PEV Pegasus Aviation PEGAVIATION Greece
1I Pegasus Hava Tasimaciligi Turkey
HAK Pegasus Helicopters HELIFALCON Norway
PDF Pelican Air Services PELICAN AIRWAYS South Africa
PEX Pelican Express PELICAN EXPRESS United States
PAS Pelita Air Service PELITA Indonesia
PEM Pem-Air PEM-AIR Canada
PDY Pen-Avia PENDLEY United Kingdom
KS PEN Peninsula Airways PENINSULA United States
PNE Peninter Aerea PENINTER Mexico
PCA Penya De L'Aire PENA DEL AIRE Spain
CVT Peran CVETA Kazakhstan
PCC Perforadora Central PERFORADORA CENTRAL Mexico
PAG Perimeter Aviation PERIMETER Canada
P9 PGP Perm Airlines PERM AIR Russia
PPQ Personas Y Pasquetes Por Air PERSONSPAQ Mexico
FPR Peruvian Air Force Peru Fuerza Aerea Del Peru
INP Peruvian Navy Peru
PMX Petroleos Mexicanos PEMEX Mexico
PHM Petroleum Helicopters PETROLEUM United States
PHC Petroleum Helicopters de Colombia HELICOPTERS Colombia
PTK Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsk Air Enterprise PETROKAM Russia
PTY Petty Transport PETTY United States
PHV Phenix Aviation NEW BIRD France
PMY Phetchabun Airline PHETCHABUN AIR Thailand
PR PAL Philippine Airlines PHILIPPINE Philippines
PHI Philips Aviation Services PHILAIR Netherlands
BCH Phillips Air BEACHBALL United States
PDD Phillips Alaska PADA United States
PHL Phillips Michigan City Flying Service PHILLIPS United States
PHB Phoebus Apollo Aviation PHOEBUS South Africa
KZM Phoebus Apolloa Zambia CARZAM Zambia
PHA Phoenix Air Group GRAY BIRD United States
PHN Phoenix Air Lines PHOENIX BRASIL Brazil
PAM Phoenix Air Service PHOENIX Germany
PPG Phoenix Air Transport PAPAGO United States
WDY Phoenix Airline Services WINDYCITY United States
HP Phoenix Airways Switzerland
PHY Phoenix Avia PHOENIX ARMENIA Armenia
PHG Phoenix Aviation PHOENIX GROUP Kyrgyzstan
XPX Phoenix Flight Operations United States
9R VAP Phuket Air PHUKET AIR Thailand
PI PDT Piedmont Airlines (1948-1989) PIEDMONT United States defunct
PCH Pilatus Flugzeugwerke PILATUS WINGS Switzerland
PLU Pilatus PC-12 Center De Mexico PILATUS MEXICO Mexico
MKS Pimichikamac Air MIKISEW Canada
PNP Pineapple Air PINEAPPLE AIR Bahamas
PIM Pinframat PINFRAMAT Angola
PCL Pinnacle Air Group PINNACLE GROUP United States
9E FLG Pinnacle Airlines FLAGSHIP United States
PIO Pioneer Airlines PIONEER United States
PER Pioneers Limited Pakistan
PRN Pirinair Express PRINAIR EXPRESS Spain
PLN Planar PLANAR Angola
PMS Planemaster Services PLANEMASTER United States
PLZ Planet Airways PLANET United States
PYZ Players Air PLAYERS AIR United States
LIB Ploizeihubschrauberstaffel Hamburg LIBELLE Germany
PSF Plymouth School of Flying LIZARD United Kingdom
POC Pocono Air Lines POCONO United States
PDA Podilia-Avia PODILIA Ukraine
PAZ Point Afrique Niger POINTAIR NIGER Niger
RMI Point Airlines POINT AIRLINE Nigeria
PAW Pointair Burkina POINTAIR BURKINA Burkina Faso
PTS Points of Call Airlines POINTSCALL Canada
PO PAC Polar Air Cargo POLAR United States
PMO Polar Airlines de Mexico POLAR MEXICO Mexico
PSR Polestar Aviation POLESTAR United Kingdom
POT Polet POLET Russia
POF Police Aux Frontiers AIRPOL France
PLC Police Aviation Services SPECIAL United Kingdom
PLF Polish Air Force POLISH AIRFORCE Poland
PNY Polish Navy POLISH NAVY Poland
NRW Polizeifliegerstaffel Nordrhein-Westfalen HUMMEL Germany
PPH Polizeihibschrauberstaffel Neidersachsen POLICE PHOENIX Germany
PIK Polizeihuberschrauberstaffel Sachsen-Anhalt POLICE IKARUS Germany
SRP Polizeihubschrafterstaffel Rheinland-Pfalz SPERBER Germany
PBW Polizeihubschrauberstaffel Baden-Wurtemberg BUSSARD Germany
EDL Polizeihubschrauberstaffel Bayern POLICE EDELWEISS Germany
PBB Polizeihubschrauberstaffel Brandenburg ADEBAR Germany
PHH Polizeihubschrauberstaffel Hessen IBIS Germany
PMV Polizeihubschrauberstaffel Mecklenburg-Vorpommern POLICE MERLIN Germany
PHS Polizeihubschrauberstaffel Sachsen PASSAT Germany
HBT Polizeihubschrauberstaffel Thuringen HABICHT Germany
CUK Polo Aviation CHUKKA United Kingdom
PLA Polynesian Air-Ways POLYAIR United States
PH PAO Polynesian Airlines POLYNESIAN Samoa
DJ PLB Polynesian Blue POLYBLUE New Zealand Controlled Dupe IATA, Code reserved but not in use, PBN (Bluebird) used.
1U Polyot Sirena Russia
PND Pond Air Express POND AIR United States
PSI Pont International Airline Services PONT Suriname
PLX Pool Aviation POOLEX United Kingdom
PTQ Port Townsend Airways TOWNSEND United States
POR Porteadora De Cosola PORTEADORA Mexico
PD POE Porter Airlines PORTER AIR Canada
NI PGA Portugalia PORTUGALIA Portugal
AFP Portuguese Air Force PORTUGUESE AIR FORCE Portugal
POA Portuguese Army PORTUGUESE ARMY Portugal
PON Portuguese Navy PORTUGUESE NAVY Portugal
BK PDC Potomac Air DISTRICT United States
PSN Potosina Del Aire POTOSINA Mexico
PWL Powell Air POWELL AIR Canada
PFS Prairie Flying Service PRAIRIE United States
PWC Pratt and Whitney Canada PRATT Canada
PW PRF Precision Air PRECISION AIR Tanzania
PRE Precision Airlines PRECISION United States
BAT Premiair BALLISTIC Luxembourg
PGL Premiair Aviation Services PREMIERE United Kingdom
PME Premiair Fliyng Club ADUR United Kingdom
EMI Premium Air Shuttle BLUE SHUTTLE Nigeria
PMU Premium Aviation PREMIUM Germany
BFA Presidence Du Faso Burkina Faso
ONM Presidencia de La Republica de Guinea Ecuatorial Equatorial Guinea
TO PSD President Airlines Cambodia
PRD Presidential Aviation PRESIDENTIAL United States
PWA Priester Aviation PRIESTER United States
PMM Primair PRIMAVIA Russia
FE WCP Primaris Airlines WHITECAP United States
PMC Primas Courier PRIMAC United States
CRY Primavia Limited CARRIERS United Kingdom
PRM Prime Air PRIME AIR United States
PKZ Prime Aviation PRAVI Kazakhstan
CME Prince Edward Air COMET Canada
PJP Princely Jets PRINCELY JETS Pakistan
8Q Princess Air no longer assigned
PCN Princeton Aviation Corporation PRINCETON United States
PRY Priority Air Charter PRIORITY AIR United States
PAT Priority Air Transport PAT United States Department of the Army
BCK Priority Aviation Company BANKCHECK United States
PTI Privatair PRIVATAIR Switzerland
PJE Private Jet Expeditions PEE JAY United States
PJA Private Jet Management PRIVATE FLIGHT United States
8W PWF Private Wings Flugcharter PRIVATE WINGS Germany
PVG Privilege Style Líneas Aéreas PRIVILEGE Spain
PRH Pro Air PROHAWK United States
PSZ Pro Air Service POP-AIR United States
GIY Probiz Guinee PROBIZ Guinea
PAD Professional Express Courier Service AIR PROFESSIONAL United States
PVL Professione VOlare VOLARE Italy
P0 Proflight Commuter Services Zambia
PTT Promotora Industria Totolapa TOTOLAPA Mexico
PRO Propair PROPAIR Canada
PFZ Propflight Air Services PROFLIGHT-ZAMBIA Zambia
PPA Propheter Aviation AIR PROP United States
PTH Proteus Helicopteres PROTEUS France
PTL Providence Airline PLANTATION United States
AWD Providence Aviation Services Pakistan
SPR Provincial Airlines SPEEDAIR Canada
PRV Provincial Express PROVINCIAL Canada
PSW Pskovavia PSKOVAVIA Russia
UDA Psudiklat Perhubungan Udara/PLP UDARA Indonesia
PTA Ptarmigan Airways PTARMIGAN Canada
PSP Publiservicios Aereos PUBLISERVICIOS Mexico
PUV Publivoo PUBLIVOO Portugal Publicidade e Imagens Aereas
PNG Puerto Rico National Guard United States
TXV Puerto Vallarta Taxi Aereo TAXIVALLARTA Mexico
PGH Pulkovo Aircraft Services Russia
PLY Puma Linhas Aereas PUMA BRASIL Brazil
PTV Puntavia Air Services PUNTAVIA Djibouti
MGO Punto Fa MANGO Spain
PYR Pyramid Air Lines PYAIR Egypt

* on IATA code indicates a controlled duplicate.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] References