Aircraft losses of the Vietnam War

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There were a great many aircraft losses during the Vietnam War. Hundreds of U.S. fixed-wing aircraft were lost to ground fire of antiaircraft artillery (AAA), surface-to-air missiles (SAMs), and fighter interceptors (MiG)s. The great majority of U.S. combat losses in all areas of Southeast Asia were to AAA. The Royal Australian Air Force also flew combat and airlift missions in South Vietnam, as did the Republic of Vietnam. Among fixed-wing aircraft, more F-4 Phantoms were lost than any other type in service with any nation. A total of 761 of all variants were destroyed, 605 in combat. Additionally, accidental losses (such as in the case of the SR-71s listed) extracted an additional toll by themselves and are included in the lists below.


[edit] United States aircraft

[edit] United States Air Force

All told, the U.S. Air Force flew 5.25 million sorties over South Vietnam, North Vietnam, northern and southern Laos, and Cambodia, losing 2,251 aircraft, 1,737 because of hostile action and 514 for operational reasons. 110 of the losses were helicopters and the rest fixed-wing. A ratio of roughly 0.4 losses per 1,000 sorties compared favorably with a 2.0 rate in Korea and the 9.7 figure during World War II.[1]

Sources for USAF figures:

USAF Operations Report, Nov. 30, 1973[2]
Campbell, John M. amd Hill, Michael. Roll Call: Thud. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 1996. ISBN 0-7643-0062-8.
Hobson, Chris. Vietnam Air Losses, USAF, USN, USMC, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Losses in Southeast Asia 1961–1973. North Branch, Minnesota: Specialty Press, 2001. ISBN 1-85780-1156.

[edit] USAF fixed-wing

–First loss A-1E 52-132465 (1st Air Commando Squadron, 34th TG) shot down during the night of August 28-29, 1964 near Bien Hoa, SVN
–Final loss A-1H 52-139738 (1st Special Operations Squadron, 56th Special Operations Wing) which was shot down September 28, 1972 (pilot was rescued by an Air America helicopter).
–First loss 71-0310 (353d Tactical Fighter Squadron, 354th TFW) on December 2, 1972 shot down on a CSAR mission in Laos (Capt Anthony Shine KIA).
–71-0312 (353d TFS) mid-air collision with an FAC O-1 Bird Dog in Laos on December 24, 1972, (Capt Charles Riess PoW)
-71-0316 (355th TFS) non-combat crash in Thailand on January 11, 1973 (Pilot Rescued)
-70-0949 (354th TFW) shot down Laos on February 17, 1973 (Maj J J Gallagher Rescued)
-71-0305 (3rd TFS, 388th TFW) shot down in Cambodia on May 4, 1973 (1Lt T L Dickens Rescued)
-Final loss 70-0945 (354th TFW) shot down in Cambodia on May 25, 1973 (Capt Jeremiah Costello KIA)
–First loss B-26B 44-35530 (Detachment 2A, 1st ACG) shot down in IV CTZ on the night of November 4-5, 1962 killing the 3 crew.
–Final loss A-26A 64-17646 (609th SOS, 56th SOW) lost over Laos on the night of July 7-8, 1969 killing both crew.
–First loss 1967; final loss 1972
–First loss 1965, final loss 1969
–First loss AC-119G 52-5907 (Det.1, 17th SOS, 14th SOW) which crashed on take-off from Tan Son Nhut, SVN on October 11, 1969 killing 6 of the 10 crew.
–Final loss 1971
–First loss AC-130A 54-1629 (16th SOS, 8th TFW) hit by 37mm AAA over Laos and crash-landed at Ubon RTAFB, 2 crewmen died (one died of injuries before reaching Ubon) but 11 others survived.
–Final loss 1972
-First losses non-combat mid-air collision 2 B-52F 57-0047 and 57-0179 (441st Bomb Squadron, 320th Bomb Wing), June 18, 1965, South China Sea during air refueling orbit, 8 of 12 crew killed
-Final loss B-52D 55-0056 (307th Bomb Wing Provisional) to SAM January 4, 1973, crew rescued from Gulf of Tonkin
-First loss 1964, final loss 1970
-First lost C-7B 62-4161 (459th Tactical Airlift Squadron, 483d Tactical Airlift Wing) which was hit by a US 155mm shell on August 3, 1967 in SVN killing the 3 crew.
-Final loss was C-7B 62-12584 (483d TAW) which crashed in SVN, all 4 crew survived.
-A C-47 was very first USAF aircraft lost in the SEA conflict, C-47B 44-76330 (315th Air Division) on TDY at Vientiane, Laos which was shot down by the Pathet Lao on March 23, 1961 killing 7 of the 8 crew. The sole survivor, US Army Maj. Lawrence Bailey was captured and held until August 1962.
-Final loss EC-47Q 43-48636 (361st Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron, 56th SOW) shot down in Laos on the night of 04/5 February 4-5, 1973 killing all 8 crew.
-First loss was C-123B 56-4370 attached to the 464th TAW which came down on an Operation Ranch Hand (defoliation) training flight between Bien Hoa and Vung Tau, SVN on February 2, 1962
-Final loss 1971
-First loss was C-130A 57-0475 (817th Troop Carrier Squadron, 6315th Operations Group) on April 24, 1965, a Blind Bat flareship that crashed into high ground near Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base, Thailand, attempting to land in bad weather with a heavy load, two engine failures, and low fuel, killing all six crew members. This was the 14th recorded loss of a C-130 to all causes.
-Final loss C-130E 72-1297 (314th TAW) destroyed by rocket fire at Tan Son Nhut AB on April 28, 1975.
-C-141A 65-9407 (62d Military Airlift Wing) destroyed in a night runway collision with a USMC A-6 at Danang, SVN on March 23, 1967 killing 5 of the 6 crew
-C-141A 66-0127 (4th Military Airlift Squadron, 62d MAW) crashed soon after take-off from Cam Ranh Bay, SVN on April 13, 1967 killing 6 of the 8 crew.
-First loss was RB-66B 53-0452 (Det 1, 41st Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron, 6250th Combat Support Group) which crashed October 22-23, 1965 west of Pleiku, SVN killing the crew.
-Final loss EB-66C 54-0466 (42d TEWS, 388th TFW) shot down in Military Region I, SVN on April 2, 1972 during the Easter Offensive, 5 of the 6 crew KIA, the sole survivor was LtCol. Iceal Hambleton ("Bat-21") eventually rescued after costly CSAR that resulted in the loss of a number of aircraft and crews.
-EC-121R 67-24193 (554th Reconnaissance Squadron, 553d RW) crashed April 25, 1969 on take-off in a thunderstorm from Korat RTAFB, killing all 18 crew.
-EC-121R 67-21495 (554th RS) crashed on approach to Korat RTAFB on September 6, 1969, 4 of the 16 were killed
-First loss was non-combat, F-4C 64-0674 (45TH TFS, 15th TFW) which ran out of fuel after strike in SVN on June 9, 1965; first combat loss F-4C 64-0685 (45th TFS, 15th TFW) shot down Ta Chan, NW NVN on June 20, 1965. 9 of the losses were parked aircraft struck by rockets.
-Final loss 1973
-First loss 1965, final loss 1967
-First loss 1964, final loss 1971
-First loss 1964, final loss 1967. 4 of the combat losses were parked aircraft
-First loss 1965, final loss 1967
-First loss 62-4371 (36th TFS, 6441st TFW) written off from battle damage over Laos August 14, 1964, at Korat, Thailand
-Final loss 61-0153 (44th TFS, 355th TFW) shot down Laos September 23, 1970, pilot Capt. J. W. Newhouse rescued
-First loss EF-105F 63-8286 (13th TFS, 388th TFW) shot down by AAA RP-6 July 6, 1966, Maj. Roosevelt Hestle and Capt. Charles Morgan KIA
-Last loss F-105G 63-8359 (Det.1 561st TFS, 388th TFW) shot down by SAM November 16, 1972, RP-3, crew rescued
-First loss mission-related TFR failure, 66-0022 (428th TFS 474th TFW, Project Combat Lancer), March 28, 1968, Maj. H.E. Mccann and Capt. D.L. Graham MIA
-Final loss 67-0111 (474th TFW) mid-air collision over Cambodia, June 16, 1973, both crewmen rescued
-51-5287 to unk cause June 19, 1965
-51-0058 to unk cause July 3, 1965
-51-0071 (33d ARRS) shot down by AAA March 14, 1966, two crew killed
-51-7145 (37th ARRS) shot down October 18, 1966, 7 crew killed
-Only loss KB-50J 48-0065 (421st Air Refueling Squadron Detachment) at Takhli RTAFB which crashed in Thailand on October 14, 1964, all 6 crew survived.
-Two crashes in 1968, one 1969, all operational non-combat
-First loss 1963, final loss 1972
-First loss 1967, final loss 1972
First loss 1968, final loss 1973
-First loss YQU-22A 68-10531 (554th RS, 553d RW) crashed due to engine failure on June 11, 1969
-Final loss QU-22B 70-1546 (554th RS) on August 25, 1972, pilot killed.
-First loss 1966, final loss 1972
-First loss 1964, final loss 1968
-64-17969 (Det OL-8, 9th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing) suffered engine failure over Thailand on May 10, 1970, both crew ejected safely
-64-17978 (Det OL-KA, 9th SRW) crashed on landing at Kadena, Okinawa on July 20, 1972, both crewmen survived
-First loss 1962, final loss 1968
-Only loss 56-6690 (349th Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron 100th SRW) which crashed on October 8, 1966 near Bien Hoa, SVN, Maj. Leo J Stewart ejected and was rescued.
-Only loss 60-6058, destroyed on the ground during a VC attack on Tan Son Nhut, SVN on June 14, 1968.
Only loss 51-15565 (432d Tactical Reconnaissance Wing) which crashed in Thailand December 28, 1966, both crewmembers survived.
-63-13102 (5th SOS, 14th SOW) shot down August 14, 1969 near Bien Hoa killing 1/Lt Roger Brown.

[edit] USAF rotary-wing

-First loss CH-3E 63-9685 (38th ARRS) to AAA North Vietnam on November 6, 1965, three crew POW, one rescued
-Last loss HH-3E 65-12785 (40th ARRS) November 21, 1970, combat-assaulted inside Son Tay POW camp (Operation Ivory Coast) and deliberately destroyed by U.S. Special Forces
-First loss 63-9713 (38th ARRS) damaged by fire June 2, 1965, crew rescued and aircraft destroyed to prevent its capture
-Final loss 60-0282 (38th ARRS) crashed Cam Ranh Bay August 7, 1969, crew rescued
-First loss HH-53C 66-14430 (40th ARRS) in Laos, damaged by gunfire January 18, 1969 crew rescued and aircraft destroyed by bombing to prevent capture
-Last losses four CH-53's (68-10925, -10926, -10927, 70-1627 all from 21st SOS, 56th SOW) to AAA on May 15, 1975, Koh Tang, Kampuchea, (Mayaguez incident final aircraft losses of Vietnam War)

[edit] United States Navy

Twenty-one aircraft carriers conducted 86 war cruises and operated 9,178 total days on the line in the Gulf of Tonkin. 530 aircraft were lost in combat and 329 more in operational accidents, causing the deaths of 377 naval aviators, with 64 others reported missing and 179 taken prisoner-of-war.

Sources for USN carrier-based figures:

  • Francillon, René. Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club: US Carrier Operations off Vietnam, Naval Institute Press (1988) ISBN 0-87021-696-1

[edit] USN fixed-wing carrier-based

-First loss A-1H 139760 (VA-45, USS Constellation), to AAA August 5, 1964, Lt.j.g. R. C. Sather KIA
-Final loss A-1H 134499 (VA-25, USS Coral Sea), to MIG February 14, 1968, Lt.j.g. J. P. Dunn MIA
-First loss A-3B 142250 (VAH-4, USS Hancock), non-combat December 22, 1964, 3 rescued, 1 killed
-Final loss A-3B 144627 (VAH-4, USS Kitty Hawk), AAA March 8, 1967, 3 crew KIA
-First loss A-4C 149578 (VA-144, USS Constellation), AAA August 5, 1964, Lt.j.g. Everett Alvarez POW (second longest held prisoner)
-Final loss A-4F 155021 (VA-212, USS Hancock), AAA September 6, 1972, pilot rescued
-First loss A-6A 151584 (VA-75, USS Independence), own bomb detonation Laos July 14, 1965, crew rescued
-Final loss A-6A 157007 (VA-35, USS America), AAA South Vietnam January 24, 1973, crew rescued
-First loss A-7A 153239 (VA-147, USS Ranger), SAM North Vietnam December 22, 1967, LCdr J.M. Hickerson POW
-Final loss A-7E 156837 (VA-147, USS Constellation), non-combat January 29, 1973, pilot missing
-C-1A 146047 (VR-21, USS Independence), non-combat August 30, 1965, 7 passengers and crew rescued
-C-1A 136784 (VR-21, USS Independence), non-combat September 12, 1965, 9 passengers and crew rescued, 1 killed
-C-1A 146054 (Carrier Air Wing 11, Kitty Hawk), non-combat January 16, 1968, 7 passengers and crew rescued, 3 killed
-Sole loss C-2A 155120 (VRC-50, USS Ranger), Gulf of Tonkin crash December 15, 1970, 9 passengers and crew killed
-First loss E-1B 148918 (VAW-12, USS Independence), non-combat September 22, 1965, crew rescued
-Final loss E-1B 148132 (VAW-111, USS Oriskany), non-combat October 8, 1967, 5 crew killed
-E-2A 151711 (VAW-116, USS Coral Sea), April 8, 1970, 5 killed
-E-2B 151719 (VAW-115, USS Midway), June 11, 1971, 5 missing
-EKA-3B 142400 (VAQ-132, USS America), non-combat July 4, 1970, 3 rescued
-EKA-3B 142634 (VAQ-130, USS Ranger), non-combat January 21, 1973, 3 killed
-First loss EA-1E 139603 (VAW-111, USS Yorktown), non-combat April 15, 1965, crew rescued
-Final loss EA-1F 132543 (VAW-13, USS Franklin D Roosevelt), non-combat September 10, 1966, crew rescued
-First loss F-4B 151412 (VA-142, USS Constellation), non-combat November 13, 1964, crew rescued
-Last combat loss (also last USN combat loss of war) F-4J 155768 (VF-143, USS Enterprise), AAA South Vietnam January 27, 1973, Cdr H.H. Hall and Lcdr P.A. Keintzer POW
-Final loss F-4J 158361 (VF-21, USS Ranger), non-combat January 29, 1973, crew killed
-First loss F-8D (VF-111, USS Kitty Hawk), to AAA over Laos June 7, 1964, LCdr C.D. Lynn rescued
-Final loss non-combat F-8J 150887 (VF-191, USS Oriskany) November 26, 1972, pilot rescued
-KA-3B 142658 (VAH-4, USS Oriskany), non-combat July 28, 1967, 1 rescued, 2 killed
-KA-3B 138943 (VAH-10, USS Coral Sea), non-combat February 17, 1969, 3 killed
-First loss RA-5C 149306 (RVAH-5, USS Ranger), non-combat December 9, 1965, 2 killed
-Final loss RA-5C 156633 (RVAH-13, USS Enterprise), to MIG North Vietnam December 28, 1972, Lcdr A.H. Agnew POW, Lt. M.F. Haifley KIA
-First loss RF-8A (Det.C VFP-63, USS Kitty Hawk), June 6, 1964, to AAA in Laos, Lt. C. F. Klusmann POW
-Final loss RF-8G 144608 (VFP-63, USS Oriskany), non-combat December 13, 1972, pilot rescued
-First loss S-2D 149252 (VS-35, USS Hornet), unk combat loss January 21, 1966, 4 crew MIA
-S-2E 152351 (VS-21, USS Kearsarge, combat loss October 11, 1966, 4 KIA
-Final loss US-2C 133371 (VC-5, USS Hornet), non-combat September 27, 1967, crew rescued

[edit] USN fixed-wing shore-based

[citation needed]

  • OV-10 Bronco (7)

[edit] USN rotary-wing

-First loss UH-2A 149751 (HC-1, USS Hancock), non-combat January 10, 1966, 4 rescued
-Final loss UH-2C 149767 (HC-1, USS Bon Homme Richard), non-combat August 10, 1969, 4 rescued
-First loss SH-3A 148993 (HS-2, USS Hornet), AAA North Vietnam November 13, 1965, crew of 4 rescued
-Final loss SH-3D 156494 (HS-7, USS Saratoga), non-combat December 31, 1972, crew rescued

[edit] United States Marine Corps

U.S. Marine Corps aircraft lost in combat included 193 fixed-wing and 270 rotary wing aircraft.

[edit] USMC fixed-wing

[citation needed]

Source for F-4 losses is Phantom with U.S. Marine Corps (Joe Baugher), others are unsourced

[edit] USMC rotary-wing

[edit] United States Army

[edit] USA fixed-wing

OV-1A Mohawk--- 3 lost OV-1B Mohawk--- 2 lost 0-1 Bird Dog--- 297 lost

[edit] USA rotary-wing

[edit] Australian aircraft

n n

[edit] Republic of Vietnam aircraft

  • A-1 Skyraider
  • A-37A/B Dragonfly
  • AC-47
  • AC-119G/K Stinger - served Mar'72 -
  • B-57 Canberra
  • C-7A Caribou - served late'71 - mid'74 (grounded due to budget cuts)
  • C-47 Skytrain
  • C-119 Flying Boxcar - served Mar'68 -
  • C-123K Provider - served May'73 - 1973 only (replaced by C-130A) 10 lost, 4 to ground fire
  • C-130A Hercules - 2 combat losses
  • F-5A/B/C Freedom Fighter
  • F-5E Tiger II
  • U/H-1D/H Iroquois (helicopter)
  • C/UH-34C/D/G Choctaw (helicopter)
  • CH-47A Chinook (helicopter)
  • O-1 Bird Dog
  • O-2A Skymaster - served 1970 - mid'74 (grounded due to budget cuts)
  • T-28 Trojan
  • T-37 Tweety Bird (trainer)
  • T-41D Mescalero (trainer)
  • U-6A Beaver
  • U-17A/B Skywagon

VNAF a/c details sourced from "Flying Dragon - The South Vietnamese Air Force" Robert C. Milikesh, Schiffer Military History , 2005

[edit] North Vietnamese aircraft

[edit] Fixed-wing losses (air to air combat only)

[citation needed]

[edit] People's Republic of China aircraft

[edit] Fixed-wing losses (air to air combat only)

[citation needed]

[edit] Reference notes

  1. ^ Schlight, John. A War too Long: The USAF in Southeast Asia 1961-1975. Air Force History and Museums Programs. Retrieved on 20 Feb 2007. Page 103
  2. ^ Vietnam War Almanac. AIR FORCE Magazine (Sept 2004). Retrieved on 7 Feb 2007.

[edit] Sources

  • [1]US Air-to-Air Losses in the Vietnam War
  • [2]US Air-to-Air Victories in the Vietnam War