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AIDES[1] is a French community-based non-profit organisation that was founded in 1984 by Daniel Defert following the death of his lifelong companion Michel Foucault.

Its aim is to bring people living with HIV/AIDS together with their loved ones and peers into an organized entity dedicated to fighting HIV/AIDS and to defend the rights of people and communities affected by this disease.[2]

As of 2007, AIDES is active in France in 100 cities with 400 staff members and more than 1000 registered and trained volunteers. It is the largest non-governmental organization in France working on HIV issues[3], by number of activists and budget. It is considered one of the main observers of the epidemic in France[4]. Internationally, AIDES has developed strong partnerships with fellow community-based NGOs in Africa, in Europe and in Canada (Quebec) to strengthen the role of civil society by sharing best practices and to jointly advocate for global access to care and prevention[5]. It also developed a parntership with the UN Programme on HIV/AIDS[6]

[edit] Action examples

  • Male and female Condom distribution (about one million in 2005[7])
  • Awareness campaigns on TV[8]
  • Syringe exchange programs
  • Home help
  • Publishing of the first french AIDS-related magazine Remaides
  • Legal advising to HIV positive people
  • Help Free phone line "Sida info service"[9]

[edit] Notes and references

  1. ^ Aides means "support" in French
  2. ^ "Values and principles" on the official site, (French)
  3. ^ UNAIDS statement on Marty-Lavauzelle's death
  4. ^ 2002 report on sexual behaviors by gay people by the INVS, official French health organization]
  5. ^ (French) 2001 UNAIDS report
  6. ^ Towards the creation of strategic partnerships by UNAIDS, Guidance Note for the United Nations Resident Coordinator System on HIV/AIDS in the UN Workplace, (French) 1995 UNAIDS report
  7. ^ (French) Official statistics
  8. ^ AIDES prevention TV-spot
  9. ^ (French)

[edit] External links
