
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


[edit] Introduction

  • I am a Cyborg Anthropologist. In other words, I study the ways humans interact with information and machines.
  • Because of Wagn's ability to break information down into index-card-like bits, it is of great interest to me, and looks like a step in the right direction for information-optimization strategies.

[edit] Creation vs. Destruction

  • The thing that often daunts is the personal creation of something never done before.
  • The fear of contribution vs. the need for destruction often invites chaos.
  • Once understood, contribution becomes easier than destruction, because it helps the creator. Destruction only postpones the harm of the creator.
  • The power of sharing is so strong, and it is becoming stronger in lots and lots of industries.
  • No matter how much or how little you contribute, you will get enriched in the process.
  • Historically, those who do not share ideas because of their fear of the loss of power only have their own ideas.
  • Those who contribute to the ideas of others can gain the ideas of ten times their brain's capacity to generate ideas. In half the time.

[edit] Interactive Media

  • Wiki is just natural to younger generatiosn, because of Wikipedia. A lot of kids will leave a site if "what? I can't edit this?".

[edit] Design vs. Content

[edit] The Tree-like Manifestation of Wiki's

  • Wikis are not about flair, they're about content.
  • All Wiki's were birthed from the first Wiki. The oldest Redwood tree is also the youngest.
  • CGM's like Drupal create something that you don't have to do much with. You really have to work to be able to break through in designing a CGM that looks different than other CGM's.
  • This is because content drives the design.

[edit] Beautiful Wiki's

  • The WineWiki is beautiful because it uses this content form for people to enter in specific information to be added into the Wiki.
  • On WineWiki, your first edit is a form. Forms are comforting to people, because they are familiar and ask questions instead of providing unstructured blank space.

[edit] Adoption Patterns for Companies

Adopting a company Wiki can greatly increase the amount of organization and productivity workers can manage.

Simply begin putting documents onto your company Wiki. Next time a coworker asks for a document, send him an E-mail that links to the Wiki. Tell the office that "this is where the letters are now. They are no longer accessible on the server. If you want to change them, just change them on the Wiki, and then you'll all have the updated letter". If they all know Word, just start them out as if it is Word.

[edit] Barriers to Adoption

  • One of the greatest barriers to successful Wiki adoption is getting users to click the 'new' button. People are not used to creating their own content. It is daunting to view a blank page.
  • On Flexwiki, add a summary of what this page will be about. This help text is at least a start for people to begin adding their own content.
  • When creating a new page, leave a question on it so it's not completely blank. A later visitor may feel better about answering a question in order to generate page content, than creating the page content without a seed.
  • What is the one single simple thing you want to do on a Wiki? And it could be as simple as what are the restaurants around work that you want to go to?
  • The single issue of togetherness that gets the ball rolling.

Contributor: Codename for project. We had so much fun with that one.

[edit] Corporate Allies

  • Make sure to have allies that are Peers and allies near the top end of the company heirarchy.
  • Those on the top may not wish to contribute but can still view meeting minutes on the Wiki.
  • Just point to the Wiki from the E-mail.

[edit] Drupal and Wiki

I see a great future for Wikis and CMS systems such as Drupal. However, I am uneducated as to how Drupal and Wiki's can communicate with each other. This is something I'd like to spend some time with. The auto-page generation capabilities of both systems, as well as their ability to manage large volumes of content, make them ideal companions in the fight for information organization. Lets make an Organization Revolution!

  • Drupal can pull in Wikis and post them on itself.
  • Edited in drupal can edit Wikis?

[edit] Crazy Notes to Clean Up Later

CEU - Continuing Education Unit Just for licenced electricians.

A-D Affiliated Distrubitors. AD A-D (type both)

Wiki['s strategies and techniques of adoption techniques.

Intel in general uses wiki's exclusively. They use Twiki.

Steve Lamb - Oregon school board's association. Communities of practice.

Problem with information flowing up and down through a process.

Mark takes notes on index cards about each person. Then shuffles through them. A lot of people in busisesss use index cards to organize information. .

It's easy to link to pages that don't exist yet. Wikipediabegan as one web page with one user.

[edit] Origins of Wiki

[edit] Functions

  • It works just like a tree. The oldest tree in the forest is the same as the original tree.

He was interested in changing the way that softwared developers work. We can use the tools that twe're building to make things a lot easier.

[edit] Power

Wiki is power. China knows this, because China blocks Wikis.

Wiki is blocked in many countries.

Mark Dilley started a Wiki of Wikis. Very meta.

[edit] Wiki Patterns

Patterns are important for helping to show adoption abilities. is a toolbox of patterns & anti-patterns, and a guide to the stages of wiki adoption.


[edit] Wiki as an educational tool

  • Helps new employees become easily oriented.
  • Provides links to history, processes, projects.
  • Provides a more visual/dnymaic interface

[edit] Wiki Academic

What does it mean to think in Wiki?

[edit] Wiki Diff

  • Very important in the history of the page to show what's changed over time.

[edit] Page Structure

The article is the first page the user accesses when they log onto the Wiki site.

Wiki link. You've left the link as an invitation for someone else to edit.

Every edit to the Wiki is a good edit. It's an addition to a community. If spammed by bots, a community effort to remove it is more fun.