Talk:Age of reason (canon law)
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[edit] Jargon
Some jargon used on this page needs explanation, if only in the form of links to relevant articles. For example, the distinction between "objective sin" and "subjective guilt" might not be clear to all readers. The problem is particularly noticeable in the final paragraph; I've italicised terms I think most non-Catholics would not understand: "Ages higher than that of reason are prescribed for valid admission to the novitiate (canon 643), for temporary profession (canon 656), and for perpetual profession (canon 658); in order to be admitted to the initial probation in a secular institute (canon 721); for admission into a society of apostolic life (canons 643; 735 ยง2); to be a sponsor at baptism (canon 874) or confirmation (canon 893); for ordination (canon 1031); to contract marriage validly and licitly (canon 1083) and for many different ecclesiastical appointments (see canonical age)." EALacey 21:23, 23 June 2007 (UTC)
I have removed the latter paragraphs of the article, on the grounds that the essence is conatined in the first 2 or 3 articles.
If someone is having difficulty may I suggest that Canon Law is placed - with explanations - inside the wikipedia. Chasnor15 (talk) 15:35, 27 March 2008 (UTC)