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Agelasimines are adenine-related bicyclic diterpenoids isolated from the orange sponge Agelas mauritania. Their chemical structures are closeley related to the agelasines.

Both compounds display a range of biological activities, such as cytotoxicity, inhibition of adenosine transfer into rabbit erythrocytes (red blood cells), Ca²+ channel antagonistic action, ά1 adrenergic blockade and others.

Both compounds have been reproduced in the laboratory by organic synthesis.

[edit] References

  • Fathi-Afshar R; Allen T M; Krueger C A; Cook D A; Clanachan A S; Vriend R; Baer H P; Cass C E, Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology, 1989, 67(4), 276-81
  • Fathi-Afshar, R.; Allen, T. M., Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1988, 66(1), 45-50.
  • Fathi-Afshar, R.; Allen, T. M.; Krueger, C. A.; Cook, D. A.; Clanachan, A. S.; Vriend, R.; Baer, H. P.; Cass, C. E., Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 1989, 67(4), 276-81.
  • Ohba, Masashi; Iizuka, Kazuaki; Ishibashi, Hiroyuki; Fujii, Tozo., Tetrahedron 1997, 53(50), 16977-16986.