
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Aemilia can indicate several people and places in Classical history:

Aemilia can also mean:

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Dionys. ii. 68
  2. ^ Valerius Maximus, i. 1. §7
  3. ^ Cicero, De Divinatione i. 46, ii. 40
  4. ^ Plutarch, Aemilius Paulus 10
  5. ^ Plutarch, Quaest. Rom. p. 284
  6. ^ Livy, Epit. 63
  7. ^ Orosius, v. 15
  8. ^ Ascon. in Cic. Mil. p. 467 ed. Orelli

This article incorporates text from the public domain Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology by William Smith (1870).
