Wikipedia:Advocate Cabal

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


We are the Advocate Cabal - or maybe we aren't; one never can be sure with cabals. This text is, in fact, a figment of your imagination, and there is no cabal. (Well actually, of course, we're just kidding; we are here to help you, and do actually exist). Sound familiar? If so, probably that's because this initiative is based on the Mediation Cabal informal mediation initiative.

[edit] The lowdown

An advocate is basically someone who works on your behalf to help you resolve a dispute. Whereas a mediator (for instance, someone from the Mediation Cabal or Mediation Committee) is intended to be neutral, and acts to work between two parties, an advocate works on your side only to resolve a dispute. This means that, instead of working on the basis of a mutual agreement, the advocate basically represents you in the conflict and assists you in resolving the dispute with the other person; they are able to evaluate on your behalf, and are not expected to be neutral like mediators.

The Association of Members Advocates (AMA) is another Wikipedia organisation offering advocates; the difference between the AMA and this initiative is that they have a very formal structure, and operate according to strictly defined processes and procedures. They also have a very formal membership methodology, with voting on decisions, elections, etc. The Advocate Cabal, on the other hand, has no fixed process, no rules, and no structure - indeed, we don't even have any formal members aside from the Coordinator, and anyone who wishes to help out as an informal advocate simply just does so.

[edit] Getting an advocate to help you

[edit] If you can edit Wikipedia

Add a new section under Requests, just briefly describing your request. Essays really aren't necessary, please keep it as short and snappy as possible. Make sure you cover the following:

  • What's up?
  • Who's involved?
  • How would you like an advocate to help?
  • How can the advocate contact you?

That really is all there is to it! :)

[edit] If you can't edit Wikipedia

Drop an e-mail to nicholas (dot) turnbull (at) gmail (dot) com, removing the munging, and Nicholas (the Coordinator) will add the request here. Please cover the points above, as with posting on this page.

[edit] Being a Cabal advocate

"In New York, you always want a cabal to help you. In Soviet Russia, the cabal always wants YOU to help it!"

That didn't really work, actually, but you get the idea. We really want your help, if you're willing to be a cabal advocate. :)

[edit] How to help out

  • Put this page on your watchlist, by clicking the "watch" tab at the top of this page, so you'll notice when new cases are added here and when other changes are made.
  • There's no members list at all, you just help out if and when you like. Pick a case that you'd like to work on, and drop the user a message, via the user's specified contact method, to say you'll help out.
  • Make a note to say you're dealing with it if you like, but even that's optional.

[edit] How to be an advocate

There's a quick tutorial at Wikipedia:Advocate Cabal/5-minute advocate tutorial which you might want to read if you're new to advocate work on Wikipedia.

The Coordinator is Nicholas Turnbull, who can help you out if you need any information or guidance.

[edit] Requests