Advanced Electron Forum

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Advanced Electron Forum
Developed by Electron Inc.
Latest release 1.0.6 / April 14, 2008
Platform PHP / MySQL
Genre Forum software

Advanced Electron Forum (abbreviated as AEF) is a free Internet forum software produced by Electron Inc. It is written in PHP using a MySQL database server.


[edit] History

After being a frequent forum member and software security exploit hobbyist on January 23, 2006, Pulkit Gupta decided to begin writing code for his own forum software. At the time the software was codenamed "Electron Forum Project" or "EFP" for short. New to developing forum software on his own he became discouraged and overwhelmed and gave up the project after 10 days.

Two months later, a friend of his, nicknamed "Electron" found new interest in the EFP project. He took over the project doing most of the coding of the software with some help from Pulkit. As the coding was nearly complete they decided to rename the software to "Advanced Electron Forum" or as it is more commonly called today "AEF". Shortly after Pulkit took the lead in turning it into and easy to use and feature rich software through extensive use of javascript.

The initial release of AEF was May 1st 2007
As of November 7th 2007, AEF is fully compatitble with MKPortal, a popular content management system.

[edit] Versions

Since the initial release of AEF in 2007, there have only been minor releases of updates.

[edit] Latest release 1.0.6

  • New User Control Panel: With tabs and better settings options
  • Calendar: So that users can plan their work or events
  • Report Posts: Users can now report posts if they are against the rules of the board. The admin will be notified about such posts
  • Preview Posts: Shows the post as it would appear after it has been posted
  • Users who have read this topic: An option to let users see who have read the topic. It can be kept off as well
  • Session Improvement: Users will be able to post in multiple topics at the same time and will not get annoying 'Security Confirmation Code does not match' Error as they did in previous versions
  • RSS Feeds: Can be set up not only for the Board as a whole but for individual topics and forums
  • Smart Redirects: Guests browsing a page in the Board will be redirected to that same page of the Board after Login
  • Group Legends: The Group legend will be displayed on the Main Index if enabled. One can also see the members in a Particular Group in the Members area
  • Direct Post Links: Each post has its direct link so that users can access it and share the same with others for easy discussions
  • New Header / Board Image
  • Delete Confirmation: A moderator will be prompted for a Confirmation when deleting a Post or Topic
  • Username Change: A users are be able to change their username from the user cp if enabled by the Admin

Various bug fixes

[edit] v1.0.5

  • Language options: As of this release AEF became capable of dealing with multiple languages
  • Who visited today: A list of all members who have logged on today
  • Smiley Word Boundary options: Choice between disabling the need to have a space after smileys in order to get them to display
  • Group Color: Username colors for groups shown in posts
  • Forum Jump menu for easy navigation within the forum
  • Avatar and Personal Picture Resize: Admin can set the maximum avatar and personal picture sizes via the admin cp
  • Time Zone Adjustment Added: A User can change the time zone settings within the User CP. You can now choose your time zone and the Post Timings will be adjusted
  • Find posts by a member link
  • The last posts will be shown to the user while replying in the Reply Page. The admin can set the number of last posts or disable this feature
  • Recent Posts on Main Index: Shows the Recent posts on the Main Index of the Board. Again you can set the number of posts to show and also you can disable it
  • Automatic Updates: Upgrade to newer versions by the click of a button

Various bug fixes

[edit] v1.0.4

  • Themes can be installed from ZIP, TAR, TGZ Archives
  • Export Files: Administrators can backup all of the AEF files and folders or any particular folder within the AEF Folder
  • Export Database: Administrators can export the entire Database from the Administration Panel itself
  • Shout Box improvements
  • Quick Login
  • Favicon displays next to the url in the address bar of most browsers
  • Most online today
  • Reset theme paths
  • Added the New Topic Button at the bottom of the Forum Page

[edit] v1.0.3

Various Bug Fixes

[edit] v1.0.1 and v1.0.2

  • Permissions for viewing stats
  • Permissions to let users delete their own accounts
  • News Feature
  • Added permissions for custom group message
  • Added customizable permissions for the shoutbox

Various bug fixes

[edit] v1.0

Initial Release of AEF Forums

[edit] See also

[edit] References

[edit] External links