Talk:Adult Children of Alcoholics

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Individuals who come from dysfunctional families without alcohol also share the same attributes. The article should make this clear.75Janice 02:33, 20 January 2007 (UTC)75Janice 19 January 2007

It is mentioned in the Co-Dependents Anonymous article. — Craigtalbert 01:07, 17 June 2007 (UTC)

t The contribution I have repeatedly tryed to add to Wikipedia is straight out of the book The 12 Steps For Adult Children From Addictive and Other Dysfunctional Families. I find it biased to list all of the negative qualities of Adult Children of Alcoholics set forth by Dr. Janet G. Woititz without offering benefits that recovery through the 12 steps has to offer Adult Children of Alcoholics.

[edit] References

This article could easily be better researched. There is plenty of reliable sources one ACOA/ACACraigtalbert 01:07, 17 June 2007 (UTC)