Adolf Jarisch

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Adolf Jarisch (February 15, 1850 - March 21, 1902) was an Austrian dermatologist who was born in Vienna. He studied medicine in Vienna, and afterwards worked in the dermatology clinic of Ferdinand von Hebra (1816-1880). Later he became head of the dermatology clinic at the Universities of Innsbruck (1887) and Graz (1892). His son, also named Adolf Jarisch (1891-1965) was a noted pharmacologist.

Jarisch is remembered for his work involving venereal disease. His name is lent to the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction along with German dermatologist Karl Herxheimer (1861-1942), and is an inflammatory skin reaction to treatment of syphilis. Jarisch noticed unexpected illness and worsening of skin lesions in some syphilitic patients immediately after being treated with mercury. These patients would experience fever, nausea, vomiting, plus their lesions would worsen before eventually abating and healing. The illness could last as long as 2-3 days, which was then followed by resolution of the skin lesions.

Among his numerous publications, his best known written work is Die Hautkrankheiten, which was an influential book concerning skin disorders.

[edit] Selected writings

  • Lupus vulgaris, 1890
  • Demonstration eines Falles von Summer Eruption, 1896
  • Demonstration von Psorospermien der Darierschen Dermatose, 1896
  • Vorstellung eines Falles von Hydrocystoma, 1896
  • Die Hautkrankheiten, 1908

[edit] References
