Adolf I, Count of the Mark

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Adolf I of Altena, count of Altena, 1st count von der Mark (11941249), son of Friedrich I of Altena.

He buys the castle Mark in 1198 and becomes count von der Mark (in 1208). He re-unites Altena after the banishment of his cousin Friedrich II of Isenberg.

He married (1st) Lutgardis (possibly a daughter of Gerhard of Loon) and (2nd) before 7 Apr 1210 Irmgard of Geldern (died after 1230). They had issue:

  • Eberhard of Altena (died 1241), married Matilda NN. They had a daughter (fl. 1243);
  • Gerhard, Bischop of Münster (died 1272):
  • Otto count of Altena from 1249 till 1262 (died 1262 without heir). He married Ermgard von Holte;
  • Engelbert I count von der Mark from 1249 until 1277 (born c. 1236, died in Bredevoort 1277, buried in Cappenberg). He married (1st) Kunigunde von Bliescastel and (2nd) Elisabeth von Falkenburg. He is the ancestor of the counts of the Mark, counts then dukes of Cleves, Jülich and Berg, dukes of Bouillon and princes of Sedan, etc. etc.;
  • Richarde (living 1270), married Otto count von Dale.