Administrator of the Northern Territory

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In accordance with the provisions of the Northern Territory (Self-Government) Act 1978 (Cth), [1] the Northern Territory received self-government in 1979 under its own Administrator of the Northern Territory appointed by the Governor-General of Australia. Formally speaking the appointment of Administrator is made by the Governor-General-in-Council, that is the Governor-General acting on the advice of the Commonwealth Government and not the advice of the Government of the Northern Territory. However, the practice has arisen that in making his appointment the Governor-General-in Council will act on the recommendation of the Northern Territory Government. Unlike an Australian State Governor, the Administrator is not the direct representative of the Queen in the Territory but is instead appointed by the Queen's representative in the Commonwealth, the Governor-General, to administer the Territory in accordance with the Act. In actual fact, however, the Administrator performs a similar constitutional role to that of a State Governor and can be considered the Queen's indirect representative in the Territory.

The office of the Deputy of the Administrator was created in 1997.

The present Administrator is Tom Pauling, QC.


[edit] South Australia (1846 to 1912)

Government Residents of the Northern Territory when annexed to the colony (later state) of South Australia:

[edit] Government Resident (1846 to 1912)

[edit] Commonwealth of Australia (1912 to present)

Administrators and Government Residents of the Northern Territory after transfer of control to the Commonwealth Government:

[edit] Administrator (1912 to 1919)

[edit] Director (1919 to 1921)

[edit] Administrator (1921 to 1927)

[edit] Government Resident (1927 to 1931)

There was a brief experiment splitting government with an additional Government Resident (Centre Australia) in Alice Springs.

  • John Charles Cawood (Government Resident for Centre Australia); 1 March 1927
  • Robert Hunter Weddell (Government Resident for North Australia); 1 March 1927
  • Victor George Carrington (Government Resident for Centre Australia); 11 December 1929

[edit] Administrator (1931 to present)

[edit] Deputy of the Administrator (1997 to present)

The office of the Deputy of the Administrator was established in 1997.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links