Administrative divisions of Buryatia

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Buryat Republic, Russia Flag of Buryatia
Capital: Ulan-Ude
As of 2007:[1]
# of districts
# of cities/towns
# of urban-type settlements
(посёлки городского типа)
# of selsovets and somons
(сельсоветы и сомоны)
As of 2002:[2]
# of rural localities
(сельские населённые пункты)
# of uninhabited rural localities
(сельские населённые пункты без населения)
  • Cities and towns under republic's jurisdiction
    • Ulan-Ude (Улан-Удэ) (capital)
      • city districts:
        • Oktyabrsky (Октябрьский)
        • Sovetsky (Советский)
          • Urban-type settlements under the city district's jurisdiction:
            • Sokol (Сокол)
            • Zarechny (Заречный)
        • Zheleznodorozhny (Железнодорожный)
    • Severobaykalsk (Северобайкальск)
  • Districts:
    • Barguzinsky (Баргузинский)
      • Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
      • with 6 selsovets and 3 somons under the district's jurisdiction.
    • Bauntovsky Evenkiysky (Баунтовский Эвенкийский)
      • with 9 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
    • Bichursky (Бичурский)
      • with 13 selsovets and 5 somons under the district's jurisdiction.
    • Dzhidinsky (Джидинский)
      • Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
      • with 14 selsovets and 8 somons under the district's jurisdiction.
    • Ivolginsky (Иволгинский)
      • with 4 selsovets and 2 somons under the district's jurisdiction.
    • Kabansky (Кабанский)
      • Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
      • Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
        • Kamensk (Каменск)
        • Selenginsk (Селенгинск)
        • Tankhoy (Танхой)
      • with 11 selsovets and 2 somons under the district's jurisdiction.
    • Khorinsky (Хоринский)
      • with 7 selsovets and 3 somons under the district's jurisdiction.
    • Kizhinginsky (Кижингинский)
      • with 1 selsovet and 8 somons under the district's jurisdiction.
    • Kurumkansky (Курумканский)
      • with 5 selsovets and 4 somons under the district's jurisdiction.
    • Kyakhtinsky (Кяхтинский)
      • Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
      • Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
        • Naushki (Наушки)
      • with 8 selsovets and 5 somons under the district's jurisdiction.
    • Mukhorshibirsky (Мухоршибирский)
      • with 13 selsovets and 3 somons under the district's jurisdiction.
    • Muysky (Муйский)
      • Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
        • Severomuysk (Северомуйск)
        • Taksimo (Таксимо)
      • with 2 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
    • Okinsky (Окинский)
      • with 1 selsovet and 3 somons under the district's jurisdiction.
    • Pribaykalsky (Прибайкальский)
      • Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
        • Turka (Турка)
      • with 8 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
    • Selenginsky (Селенгинский)
      • Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
      • with 4 selsovets and 9 somons under the district's jurisdiction.
    • Severo-Baykalsky (Северо-Байкальский)
      • Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
        • Kichera (Кичера)
        • Nizhneangarsk (Нижнеангарск)
        • Novy Uoyan (Новый Уоян)
        • Yanchukan (Янчукан)
      • with 6 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
    • Tarbagataysky (Тарбагатайский)
      • with 10 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
    • Tunkinsky (Тункинский)
      • with 5 selsovets and 7 somons under the district's jurisdiction.
    • Yeravninsky (Еравнинский)
      • with 6 selsovets and 8 somons under the district's jurisdiction.
    • Zaigrayevsky (Заиграевский)
      • Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
        • Onokhoy (Онохой)
        • Zaigrayevo (Заиграево)
      • with 10 selsovets and 1 somon under the district's jurisdiction.
    • Zakamensky (Закаменский)
      • Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
      • with 4 selsovets and 19 somons under the district's jurisdiction.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Государственный комитет Российской Федерации по статистике. Комитет Российской Федерации по стандартизации, метрологии и сертификации. №ОК 019-95 от 1 января 1997 г «Общероссийский классификатор объектов административно-территориального деления. Код 81», в ред. изменения №108/2007 от 1 марта 2008 г. (State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation. Committee of the Russian Federation on Standardization, Metrology, and Certification. #OK 019-95 of January 1, 1997 Russian Classification of Objects of Administrative Division. Code 81, as amended by the Amendment #108/2007 of March 1, 2008).
  2. ^ Results of the 2002 Russian Population CensusTerritory, number of districts, inhabited localities, and rural administrations of the Russian Federation by federal subject