Adina (opera)

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Operas by Gioachino Rossini

La cambiale di matrimonio (1810)
L'equivoco stravagante (1811)
L'inganno felice (1812)
Ciro in Babilonia (1812)
La scala di seta (1812)
Demetrio e Polibio (1812)
La pietra del paragone (1812)
L'occasione fa il ladro (1812)
Il signor Bruschino (1813)
Tancredi (1813)
L'italiana in Algeri (1813)
Aureliano in Palmira (1813)
Il turco in Italia (1814)
Sigismondo (1814)
Elisabetta, regina d'Inghilterra (1815)
Torvaldo e Dorliska (1815)
The Barber of Seville (1816)
La gazzetta (1816)
Otello (1816)
La Cenerentola ( 1817)
La gazza ladra (1817)
Armida (1817)
Adelaide di Borgogna (1817)
Mosè in Egitto (1818)
Ricciardo e Zoraide (1818)
Adina (1818)
Ermione (1819)
Eduardo e Cristina (1819)
La donna del lago (1819)
Bianca e Falliero (1819)
Maometto II (1820)
Matilde di Shabran (1821)
Zelmira (1822)
Semiramide (1823)
Il viaggio a Reims (1825)
Le siège de Corinthe (1826)
Ivanhoé (1826)
Moïse et Pharaon ( 1827)
Le comte Ory (1828)
Guillaume Tell ( 1829)

v  d  e

Adina is an operatic farsa in one act by Gioachino Rossini with a libretto by Gherardo Bevilacqua-Aldobrandini. The opera develops the popular theme of the "abduction from the seraglio."[1]

The première took place on June 22, 1826, at the Teatro Nacional de São Carlos, Lisbon.[2]


[edit] History

Adina was commissioned in 1818 by Diego Ignazio de Pina Manique, police superintendent of Lisbon and inspector of Portuguese theatres. The plot is very similar to that of Francesco Basili's 1819 opera, Il califfo e la schiava, for which the libretto was written by Felice Romani, and some passages occur in both librettos - a mystery which has not yet been unravelled.[3] The opera was intended as a gift for a now unknown soprano who had apparently enthralled the superintendent with her performances at São Carlos. The contract Rossini made was for a quick completion of the work, and the opera was finished in 1818, but, as a result of this time constraint, not all of the music in the opera is entirely original. Rossini composed anew only four of the work's nine numbers: the Introduction, the disarming Cavatina for Adina "Fragolette fortunate" (Lucky little strawberries), the Quartet, and the Finale; for three others he turned to his own Sigismondo of 1814; the remaining two were written by a collaborator.[4] Rossini did not write an overture for the opera because no overture was specified in the contract, and he took little interest in the project.[3] There is no apparent explanation for the eight-year gap between completion and first performance.

After the opera's initial première it was not revived again until 1963, when it was performed at the Accademia Chigiana of Siena.[5]

Music historians have noted that the music of Adina is of slightly more serious nature than what is typical of other one-act operas of its time, especially one designated a "farsa". Some critics have described the opera as more of a semiserious opera in the "rescue" genre. Music critics praise the opera for avoiding pure archetypes and successfully achieving a unified style.[4]

[edit] Roles

Role[6] Voice type Premiere Cast, June 22, 1826
(Conductor: )[7]
Adina, a slave-girl soprano Luisa Valesi
Selimo, her former lover tenor Luigi Ravaglia
The Caliph, the unknown father of Adina bass Giovanni Orazio Cartagenova
Ali, a young Arab bass Gaspare Martinelli
Mustafa, gardener of the seraglio bass Filippo Spada
Male chorus

[edit] Synopsis

Place: Baghdad in the Caliph's seraglio
Time: 17th century

[edit] Recordings

  • Rossini's Adina was recorded at the Rossini Opera Festival in 1998 and is available on the Canterino label. The cast includes Susanne Blattert as Adina and Eberhard Lorenz as Selimo.[8]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Adina
  2. ^ Adina
  3. ^ a b Holden, Amanda; (editor), with Kenyon, Nicholas and Walsh, Stephen [1993]. The Viking Opera Guide. London: Viking, 905. ISBN 0-670-81292-7. 
  4. ^ a b Gallo, Denise P (2002). Gioachino Rossini: A Guide to Research. Routledge. ISBN 13: 978-0815334743. 
  5. ^ Adina
  6. ^ Adina
  7. ^ - Almanacco
  8. ^ Rossini : Adina Oder der Kalif von Bagdad (Canterino): Gioachino Rossini, Wilhelm Keitel, Susanne Blattert, Eberhard Lorenz, Bruce Brys, Olaf Haye, Roland Fix, Orch Chorus Rossini Opera Festival Rugen: Music