User:Adam Mihalyi

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Date of birth: 1985 January 10

Sex: I love it. (BTW I am male.)

Interests (without order):

  • English and Japanese culture/language
  • Science (biology (evolution), computers, maths, physics, psychology...etc.)
  • Arts (music (mostly slow rock/metal and electronic), drawing, digital photography and computer graphics)
  • And of course: I love reading en.wikipedia ;)


  • Hungarian (native)
  • English (still needs improvement, but I can make myself understood ;))
  • French (basic understanding, I can recall some words and phrases from high school)
  • Japanese (just started... some words, 92 kana, 4 kanji (^_^') )

I have only made some smaller changes in Wikipedia. I hope that all of them were improvements ;)

I am very intelligent :P (although it's hard to acknowledge even for myself)

I am an atheist.

I am a geek. (I grok Spock.)