Acts of Vengeance

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Promotional image for the Acts of Vengeance series.
Promotional image for the Acts of Vengeance series.

Acts of Vengeance is a comic book crossover storyline that ran through several titles published by Marvel Comics from 1989 - 1990.


[edit] Plot

A stranger - actually the Asgardian god Loki - coerces a group of master supervillains to join forces in a conspiracy to destroy the superhero team the Avengers. Loki does this to strike back at his adopted brother Thor and is also bitter about the fact that he inadvertently caused the formation of the Avengers.[1] The supervillain team consists of Doctor Doom, the Kingpin, Magneto, Mandarin, Red Skull and the Wizard. Loki also attempts to recruit Apocalypse, Cobra and the Mad Thinker, but they all decline. Loki also approaches Namor, but he rejects the offer, stating he is not a villain.

To assist the master villains Loki engineers a jailbreak at the Vault, the United States' prison for superhuman criminals. They then direct the lesser villains against heroes (mainly the Avengers) who have never fought them before, the theory being that the unfamiliarity will act in the villains' favour.

The plan eventually fails as the master villains fail to cooperate and bicker with each other and their pawns are defeated by the heroes. A frustrated Loki reveals himself and imprisons the Red Skull, Mandarin and Wizard, while the Kingpin escapes and Doom is revealed to have been using a Doombot (Magneto is not present). The Avengers track the group and defeat the villains, with Thor forcing Loki to flee back to their native home of Asgard.[2]

Loki commits one last act of villainy and creates the robot the Tri-Sentinel to destroy the city of New York. The robot, however, is stopped by the hero Spider-Man.[3]

[edit] Publication History

The core titles of the crossover are Avengers #311 - 313 (Dec. 1989 - Jan. 1990); Avengers Spotlight #26 - 29 (Dec. 1989 - Feb. 1990); Avengers West Coast #53 - 55 (Dec. 1989 - Feb. 1990); Captain America #365 - 367 (Dec. 1989 - Feb. 1990); Iron Man #251 - 252 (Dec. 1989 - Jan. 1990); Quasar #5 - 7 (Dec. 1989 - Feb. 1990); Thor #411 - 412 (Dec. 1989 - Jan. 1990) and Amazing Spider-Man #326 - 329 (Dec. 1989 - Feb. 1990).

[edit] References

  1. ^ Avengers #1 (Sep. 1963)
  2. ^ Avengers West Coast #55 (Feb. 1990)
  3. ^ Amazing Spider-Man #329 (Feb. 1990)

[edit] External links
