Active vision

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An area of computer vision is active vision, sometimes also called active computer vision. An active vision system is one that can manipulate the viewpoint of the camera(s) in order to investigate the environment and get better information from it. [1]

Examples of active vision systems usually involve a robot mounted camera [2], but other systems have employed human operator mounted cameras (AKA "wearables"). Applications include automatic surveillance, SLAM, route planning [3], etc. In the DARPA Grand Challenge most of the teams used LIDAR combined with active vision systems to guide driverless vehicles across an off road course.

[edit] References

  1. ^
  2. ^ Lin Chi Mak, et al., "A localisation system for an indoor rotary-wing MAV using blade mounted LEDs", Sensor Review, Emerald, Vol. 28, Issue 2, pp. 125-131, 2008.
  3. ^

[edit] See Also