Action for Blind People

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Action for Blind People logo
Action for Blind People logo

Action for Blind People is an expert national organisation in the United Kingdom and a registered charity.

It ensures blind and partially sighted people receive practical support in all aspects of their lives.[1] In 2006 the charity introduced 38,000 people to its services. It operates four hotels for visually impaired people, including the Cliffden Hotel in Devon.[2]

It also helps blind and partially sighted people set up their own businesses.[3]

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[edit] References

  1. ^ "George Burns on how a charity helped him with sight loss – 'Without them I would be on my backside feeling sorry for myself'", The Guardian, December 21 2007. 
  2. ^ Middleton, Christopher. "Devon: It's got sense appeal", Daily Telegraph, 2001-10=23. Retrieved on 2008-01-31. 
  3. ^ Cook, Tracy. "The project supporting blind and visually impaired entrepreneurs – Recipe for success – Blind and visually impaired entrepreneurs get the tools they need to make their business dreams a reality", The Guardian,, January 23, 2008. Retrieved on 2008-01-31.