Act (theatre)

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An act is a major division of a theatrical play or opera. The term may also be used for equivalent major sections of other entertainments such as film or television.

The word is also used for the individual sections of shows such as variety shows, music hall or cabaret, which may include a wide variety of different kinds of performance.


[edit] Acts and Scenes

The Roman theatre was the first to divide plays into a number of acts separated by intervals. Acts may be further divided into scenes; in classical theatre each regrouping between entrances and exits of actors is a scene, while later use describes a change of setting.

Modern plays often have only one level of structure, which may be referred to as either scenes or acts at the whim of the writer; and some writers dispense with firm divisions entirely. Successive scenes are normally separated from each other in either time or place; but the division between acts is more to do with the overall dramatic structure of the piece.

Many operettas and most musicals are divided into just two acts, so in practice the intermission (or interval) is seen as dividing them, and the word 'act' comes to be used for the two halves of a show whether or not the script divides it into acts.

[edit] Three Act Play

In a three act play, each act usually has a different tone to it. The most commonly used, but not always, is the first act having a lot of introductory elements, the second act can usually be the darkest with the antagonists having a greater encompass, while the third act is the resolution and the protagonists prevailing. There is an age-old saying that "the second act is the best", owing to the fact of it being in between a starting and ending act and thus being able to delve deeper into more of the meat of the story since it doesn't need to have as prominent introductory or resolutive portions. Of course this isn't always so since a third act or even a first act can have the common second act characteristics, but the most used is that type of structure.

[edit] Act One

Act I comprises the first quarter of the screenplay. (For a two hour movie, Act I would last approximately 30 minutes.)

[edit] What happens in Act I?

Exposition--The part of a story that introduces the characters, shows some of their interrelationships, and places them within a time and place. This part of the story introduces the main character, the dramatic premise, and the dramatic situation.

Inciting Incident--an event that sets the plot of the film in motion. It occurs approximately halfway through the first act.

[edit] Act Two

Act II comprises the next two quarters of the film.

[edit] What happens in Act II (Confrontation)?

Obstacles--In the second act, the main character encounters obstacle after obstacle that prevent him from achieving his dramatic need.

First Culmination--a point just before the halfway point of the film where the main character seems close to achieving his or her goal/objective. Then, everything falls apart, leading to the midpoint.

Midpoint--a point approximately halfway through the film where the main character reaches his/her lowest point and seems farthest from fulfilling the dramatic need or objective.

[edit] Act Three

Act III comprises the final quarter of the film.

[edit] What happens in Act III (Resolution)?

Climax (Second Culmination)--The point at which the plot reaches its maximum tension and the forces in opposition confront each other at a peak of physical or emotional action.

Denouement--The brief period of calm at the end of a film where a state of equilibrium returns.

[edit] Other Numbers of Acts

[edit] Five Act Play

Until the 18th century, most plays were divided into five acts. This format is known as the five act play, and was famously analyzed by Gustav Freytag in "Die Technik des Dramas". The five acts played specific functions in the overall structure of the play; but in performance there was not necessarily any clear separation between them.

In modern times one and two acts are more common, with a three-act format for some weightier plays.

[edit] One Act Play

A one act play is generally shorter than the norm: the phrase would not usually be used of a full-length play that happened not to be divided into acts. They tend to be simpler and have fewer props, scenery and cast members (sometimes only one). Such plays are often showcased in a series. They are ideal for high school or college drama students as well as small venues and dinner theaters. Unlike other plays which usually are published one play per book, one acts are usually published in anthologies or collections. David Ives's book All in the Timing includes examples of one act plays.

Often, theatre groups stage a night of one acts, performing anywhere from 2 to 20 one acts in a single night.

[edit] Other media

When part of a television program, each individual act can be separated by commercials.

In film, each individual act is usually separated with a break in the action or plot development. Traditionally, this is accomplished with a change in music from whatever is standard for the film to something more light.

In video games it is a synonym for the more popular term "level". Each level is usually clearly separated in some way. In games such as role playing games, where there is no clear level distinction, the act development follows closely to that of film.

Book chapters are often the equivalent of acts.