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Australian Reed-warblerAcrocephalus australis
Australian Reed-warbler
Acrocephalus australis
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Suborder: Passeri
Family: Acrocephalidae


Acrocephalidae (the marsh- and tree-warblers or acrocephalid warblers) is a family of oscine passerine birds, in the superfamily Sylvioidea.

The species in this family are usually rather large warblers, most are olivaceous brown above with much yellow to beige below. They are usually found in open woodland, reedbeds or tall grass. The family occurs mostly in southern to western Asia and surroundings, but also ranging far into Pacific, with some species in Africa. The genus limits are seriously in need of revision; either most species should be moved into Acrocephalus, or the latter should be split up. However there is presently insufficient knowledge as to how.

  • Genus Hippolais - tree warblers (8 species)

(subgenus Iduna)

(subgenus Hippolais)

[edit] References