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aceMedia is an EU-funded project that aims at creating a system for multimedia content management.[1]

Features of the aceMedia software include:

  • it runs on several platforms (PC, set-top box, mobile phone, web interface)
  • it manages different users that may that share content, and their associated access rights
  • it includes image, language and video analysis functions that can automatically annotate content or handle textual queries in natural language

It was developed by 15 European partners[2] that can be classified in:

  • research laboratories that provide innovative technologies from their expertise fields
  • high-tech companies that may re-use or sell (parts of) the software
  • companies that manage image or video databases, that provide the test content

The project extended from 2004 to 2007, with the final review presented in February 2008.


[edit] Description

The software comes in two flavours, the Personal Content System (PCS) application for home users and the Commercial Content Management (CCM) framework.

[edit] The PCS app

The PCS is a GUI where the user can import images and videos, organise in folders, annotate them and call content analysis tools on them.

The content analysis tools include:

  • a person detector that finds standing people in images
  • a face analysis method that finds and recognizes faces in images
  • a classifier that determines properties on a whole image (like whether it was taken from inside or outside, whether it was by night, etc.)
  • a segmentation engine that detects textured areas on images (like trees, sky, rock, etc.)

[edit] The CCM app

It includes a web interface from which users can rate images and videos, and search them. Searching can be done with different criteria:

  • textual search. Text queries in various languages are "understood" by the system, and searches are performed using all available information, including that from the image analysis algorithms
  • global image similarity, using global image descriptors
  • precise image similarity: the user can define image regions (s)he is interested in on an example image, and the system finds the most relevant images

A reasoning system combines annotations to make sure they are coherent. For example, on an image, a sky region is supposed to be above a rock region.

[edit] Architecture

The PCS application and most of the CCM application are based on a Java framework that manages the content (stored as files) and the metadata (stored in a MySQL database).

The content analysis tools are implemented in C or C++ and called by the framework.

The server side of the web interface is in C#.

[edit] Future

Some technologies developed during the lifespan of the project will be used by the participating companies. The main framework is to be published in open-source form.

[edit] References