ACES (buffer)

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ACES (buffer)
IUPAC name 2-(carbamoylmethylamino)ethanesulfonic acid
Other names N-(2-Acetamido)-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid
CAS number [7365-82-4]
PubChem 81832
Molecular formula C4H10N2O4S
Molar mass 182.199
Except where noted otherwise, data are given for
materials in their standard state
(at 25 °C, 100 kPa)

Infobox disclaimer and references

ACES is the common abbreviation for the compound N-(2-Acetamido)-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid.

ACES is one of Good's buffers developed in the 1960's to provide buffers with pH ranging from 6.15-8.35 for use in various applications. With a pKa of 6.9, it is often used as a buffering agent in biological and biochemical research. It is a zwitterionic buffer with a useful buffering range of 6.1-7.5. The pioneering publication by Good and his co-workers described the synthesis and physical properties of ACES buffer.[1]

[edit] Applications

ACES had been used to develop buffers for both agarose and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.[2] ACES use in isoelectric focusing of proteins has also been documented.[3] Use of ACES has been published in a protocol for the analysis of bacterial autolysins in a discontinuos SDS-PAGE system.[4] Potential inhibition of ACES and other Good buffers has been investigated in γ-aminobutyric acid receptor binding to rat brain synaptic membranes.[5]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Good, N.E., "Hydrogen ion buffers for biological research." "Biochemistry", 5(2), 467-477.
  2. ^ Liu, Q., et al, "pK-matched running buffers for gel electrophoresis." "Anal. Biochemistry.", 270(1):112-122.
  3. ^ Alonso, A., "Human α-1-antitrypsin subtyping by hybrid isoelectric focusing in miniaturized polyacrylamide gel." "Electrophoresis", 9(2):65-73.
  4. ^ Strating, H., and Clarke, A.J., "Differentiation of bacterial autolysins by zymogram analysis." "Anal. Biochem.", 291(1):149-154.
  5. ^ Tunnicliff, G., and Smith, J.A., "Competitive inhibition of γ-aminobutyric acid receptor binding by N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N'-2-ε-ethanesulfonic acid and related buffer." "J. Neurochem.", 36(3):1122-1126.

[edit] External Links

Sigma Aldrich Buffer Calculator - Useful tool to calculate weight, volume, or concentration from molecular weight.