Abstract Rewriting Machine
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The Abstract Rewriting Machine (ARM) is a virtual machine which implements term rewriting for minimal term rewriting systems.
Minimal term rewriting systems are left-linear term rewriting systems in which each rule takes on one of six forms:
- Continuation
- Return
- Match
- Add
- Delete
- Ident
Each of these six forms is mapped (in ARM) to one or a few processor instructions on most contemporary micro processors. Accordingly, minimal term rewriting is achieved at tens to hundreds of clock cycles per reduction step -- millions of reduction steps per second.
ARM implements general term rewriting, in that every single-sorted unconditional left-linear term rewriting system can be transformed (compiled) into a minimal term rewriting system that gives rise to the same normal form relation.
An overview with references to this compilation process for innermost rewriting, as well as a detailed overview of ARM, can be found in "Within ARM's reach: compilation of left-linear rewrite systems via minimal rewrite systems". A description for lazy (non-innermost) rewriting can be found in "Lazy rewriting on eager machinery".
A documented implementation of ARM (with the term rewriting language Epic) is available here. Note that site and software are no longer being actively maintained.