Abdullah Geelah in 116 languages, dialects, scripts and orthagrophies... (Please update the count when you add one)
bosver herseyi, edebiyat ve siyaseti birlestiremedigin belli. uzgunum.
I want to especially thank User:Cool Cat and User:Jimbo Wales for giving me this wonderful idea. Also, all the people who gave at least one minute of their time and posted a translation here. Please when you add a translation put it in alphabetical order according to the language and update the counter when you add one. Please send me a message on my talk page so I know if you posted a translation here. Please don't put no more silly languges on. I'm not being rude but there are many of them here.
Abdullah Geelah 19:20, 8 August 2006 (UTC)
- Albanian language: Abdullah Gilla / less preferably Avdullah Gilla (Lit. "Gods servant" = "Shërbëtor i Zotit")
- Amharic language: ገብረ እግዚአብሔር ደስታ (Gebre Igzī'abihēr Desita) or ዓብዱላህ ጌላህ ("Abdullah Geelah")
- AOLese language: ABDULAH GELAH
- Ancient Pwarfadian language: Abdullah Geelah
- Arpy Darpy language: Arpabdullah Garpeelah
- Binary: 01000001 01100010 01100100 01110101 01101100 01101100 01100001 01101000 00100000 01000111 01100101 01100101 01101100 01100001 01101000
- Dutch language: Abdoellah Djiela (Lit. "Gods servant" = "Gods Dienaar/Dienaar des Gods"
- Doodish language: Halludba Haleeg
- French language: Abdoula Ghila/Guila. People from north africain descent are usually called Abdallah or in French Serviteur de Dieu
- Galician language: Abdulá Guilá (from French and Spanish, Galician are familiar to the form Abdalá)
- Greek language: Translation (first name only): Υπηρέτης/Σκλάβος (του Θεού) Γεελα or Αφοσιωμένος στον Θεό Γκίλα also Transliteration: Αμπντουλλάχ Γκίλα
- Hebrew language: "Servant of God of Ecstatic-Rejoicing" עַבְּדאַלּלַּה ( עַבְדְּאֵל \ עֶבֶד-אֱלוֹהִים \ עֹבַדְיָה \ עֹבַדְיָהוּ ) גִּילַה
- Hexadecimal: %41%62%64%75%6C%6C%61%68%20%47%65%65%6C%61%68
- Idug language: Adugdullah Gidugeelah
- Itherg language: Athergdullah Githergeelah
- Itug language; Atugdullah Gitugeelah
- Obby Dobby language: Obabdullah Gobeelah
- Octal: 101 142 144 165 154 154 141 150 40 107 145 145 154 141 150
- Rot13 cypher: Noqhyynu Trrynu
- Satirocitan language: Dula Gila
- Sidekey Step Left language: VSYKKg FwwkH
- Sidekey Step Right language: Snfi;;sj Hrr;sj
- Sillyocitan language: AbdullahAINT Geelah
- Ubbi dubbi language: Ubabdubullubah Gubeelubah
- Zibber Zabber language: Zhabluh Geez
[edit] See also
- User:Cool Cat/In many languages...
- User:Kitia/In many languages