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Abdemon was one of the kings of Cyprus at the end of the fifth century before Christ. He was of Phoenician origin and was born either in Tyre[1] or Kition on Cyprus.[2] He eliminated in c. 415 BC the Phoenician ruler of Salamis on Cyprus.[3] Evagoras, who came from a Greek dynasty, had to leave this city and went to Soloi in exile, but returned in 411 BC with his followers and deposed Abdemon.[4]

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Diodorus Siculus 14. 98. 1
  2. ^ Theopompus, Fragmente der griechischen Historiker (FGrH), no. 115, F 103
  3. ^ Isocrates, or. 9. 26
  4. ^ Isocrates or. 9. 26-32; Diodorus Siculus 14. 98. 1

[edit] References

  • Abdemon. In: Neuer Pauly (English: Brill’s New Pauly), vol. 1, 1996, col. 11-12.