Abd Allah ibn Abd al Muttalib

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Abd Allah ibn Abd al-Muṭṭalib (Arabic: عبدالله بن عبد المطلب‎)‎ (545-570) was the father of Muhammad, a prophet of Islam. He was the son of Shaiba ibn Hashim (`Abd al-Muttalib), and was married to Aminah bint Wahab, who became pregnant with his child shortly after. He died on a caravan trip between Medina and Mecca from an illness, at the age of twenty-five.

His full name includes the name "‘Abdullah". Allah is the word for "God" in Arabic and Aramaic. Abd Allah means "servant of God".

In Latin script, 'Abdullah ibn 'Abdul Muttalib (Shaiba) ibn Hashim (Amr) ibn Abd Manaf (al-Mughira) ibn Qusai (Zaid) ibn Kilab ibn Murra ibn Ka`b ibn Lu'ay ibn Ghalib ibn Fahr (Quraish) ibn Malik ibn an-Nadr (Qais) ibn Kinana ibn Khuzaimah ibn Mudrikah (Amir) ibn Ilyas ibn Mudar ibn Nizar ibn Ma`ad ibn Adnan. (ibn means "son of" in Arabic; alternate names of people with two names are given in parentheses.) [1]

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