Aaron D. Wolf

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Aaron D. Wolf is a paleoconservative journalist who is a regular columnist for the journal Chronicles. He is most known for cataloguing church history.

He has been fiercely critical of dispensationalists for believing that there can possibly be a two way path to salvation. Some dispensationalists believe that God has kept his covenant with the Jews despite their rejecting Jesus, but Wolf says that the covenant has been abrogated and that the Church has superseded the Jewish people as the true Israel. He says that Jews are not eligible for Salvation, as they are non-believers, and that they are responsible for the Crucifixion.

He has also attacked Christian Zionists who believe in the sanctity of the modern state of Israel, which he believes has no sanctity and is in violation of Church doctrine. He has criticized the IDF for oppressing Palestinians and Christians, and has said that Israel isn't the United States' ally, never was its ally, and never will be its ally.