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Jonathan Paugh, French II
Louis the Fourteenth, the Sun King, was the king of France for 72 years, from 1643-1641. For 54 of these years, he was in direct control of the French government. No other European nobility has achieved this record. His government represents the supreme example of absolutism. This is why the seventeenth century is called the age of Louis XIV. During his reign, France evolved the ideal culture of the times from a mediaeval society. France became the greatest power of Europe, and his autocracy became the most personal government, being ruled directly by the monarch. His rule can be divided into three periods: The early rule of his chief minister (1643-1661), the personal monarchy (1661-1685), and the period of decline (1685-1715). (Steingrad, 2000) Louis XIV was born on September 5, 1638, and was Anne of Austria’s “god-given” firstborn, as he was the first child of a long marriage with Louis XIII. Four years later, he inherited his father’s crown, but his mother caused him to be neglected. She did, however, instill in him a fear of “crimes committed against God.” 1648 marked the end of the thirty years’ war (with the Peace of Westphalia), but also the beginning of a major revolt that caused hunger, poverty, misfortune, humiliation, and fear to befall Louis, for which he never forgave his people or the city of Paris. After the end of the revolt in 1653 and another war in 1659, France became the dominant power of Europe, as purposed by chief minister, Cardinal Giulio Raimondo Mazzarino, who also destroyed opposition to the monarchy at home. (Britannica, 2007) When Mazarino died in 1661, Louis became his own chief minister, ending the long rule of the cardinal ministers. He kept control of his government until his death on September 7, 1715, through his high state council and a few ministers that he called and dismissed at will. His internal affairs minister, Jean Baptiste Colbert agreed with him in using the arts to glorify the monarchy. Louis became a selective patron of great writers and artists of France’s classical age. He especially funded building projects, such as those of the Louvre and the Palace of Versailles, which had been his father’s hunting lodge. In this same period of his rule, Louis launched two campaigns, against the Spanish Netherlands (1667-1668) and the United Provinces of the Netherlands (1672-1678). These conflicts gained valuable territory for France, and at the height of his power, he established “courts of reunion” to give him a legal excuse to annex German towns, and took Strasbourg and Casale from Italy in 1681, without pretext. (Steingrad, 2000) The turning point of Louis XIV’s reign came around the time of Colbert’s death in 1683. He made the mistake of revoking the Protestant minority’s right to worship. Many Protestants left France, taking with them many skills and much capital. His intolerance influenced the Protestant powers of Europe to unite against him. In 1688 Louis XIV tried to disrupt the League of Augsburg, an alliance of his enemies. The Sun king thereby started the war of the Grand Alliance, in which his nation barely held off the onslaught of the United Provinces, England, Austria, Spain and minor powers. Four years after it ended in 1697, Louis was drawn into his grandson’s conflict, defending his right to rule Spain in the War of the Spanish Succession. Near fiscal collapse and a horrible winter in 1709 impeded France’s campaign, and the Sun King was forced to agree that the Spanish and French crowns were to r e m a i n s e p a r a t e . I n a l l t h e s e c o n f l i c t s , h o w e v e r , F r a n c e m a n a g e d t o k e e p m o s t o f i t s c o n q u e s t s , b u t i t s g l o r i o u s m o n a r c h y w a s r e p l a c e d b y b u r e a u c r a c y . ( S t e i n g r a d , 2 0 0 0 )
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“Louis XIV”. Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. © 2007 Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.
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