A Voz de Vilalba
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A Voz de Vilalba was a newspaper edited in Vilalba (Lugo) among 1983 and 1986. In these years were edited twenty-seven numbers and some special numbers, and the average edition was five hundred copies. Some of their subscribers were prominent figures as the important intellectual Ramon Piñeiro, the historian Ramon Villares, the politician Manuel Fraga Iribarne, the player of the Deportivo da Coruña Vicente Celeiro or the Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco Varela. In 2007 the Rey Juan Carlos University, of Madrid, and the Institute of Estudos Chairegos, of Vilalba, edit, with the sponsorship of the Consellaría de Innovación e Industria and the Sociedade de Xestión do Xacobeo, the complete facsimile edition of the newspaper. The volume, with a preface by Ramon Villares, president of the Consello da Culture Galega, and presented by the teacher and president of the Iescha, Jose-Luís Novo Cazón, contains a wide introductory study elaborated by the teacher Felipe R. Debasa Navalpotro, of the URJC, the philosopher Antón Baamonde, the provincial deputy Xosé Gonzalez Barcia and the former editors of the publication, Moncho Paz, Paulo Naseiro and Mario Paz.
[edit] History
The date of its founding (June 29, 1983) comes to almost coincide with the approval in Parliament of Galicia of the Law on Standardization Linguistics, which event happened in the same month a few days before, namely on June 15. This information is not coincidental if we think that from the very moment of its appearance, A Voz de Vilalba would become a symbol, among others, of how the use of a standardized language can be extended to all areas of life, and not only confined, because of the diglossia, to a plot exclusively linked to the traditional life. To this consolidation of the publication as a small landmark in the task of building a cultural environment suitable and a own identity, necessary for the community in those years of political transition, was a help, no doubt, the Exposition of World Press which was organized by the three founders in collaboration with Xosé Sanchez Dominguez, from A Coruña, in the summer of 1985 and which reached an enormous impact, echoing abundant galicians media. It should be noted, as information of interest, that the three founders of the newspaper (Moncho Paz, Paulo Naseiro and Mario Paz) were in 1983 only eleven and twelve years old. This unusual precocity makes them, in the words of professor at the Rey Juan Carlos University, of Madrid, Felipe R. Debasa, "probably the youngest editors in the Spanish National Library". In 2008, twenty-five years after the birth of the newspaper, his spirit was recovered through new technologies in a website (www.avozdevilalba.com) in which they want to maintain the eagerness to inform and the defense freedom of expression that always characterized the publication.
[edit] Bibliography
- Corbelle, Mayte. “Periodistas precoces”. El Progreso (31-VIII-2004), p. 16.
- Debasa Navalpotro, Felipe R. et alii. A Voz de Vilalba. Xornal ao servizo do pobo (1983-1986). Madrid: Dickynson. 2007.
- González Barcia, José María. “A Voz de Vilalba”. El Progreso (13-X-2006), p. 18.
- Grande, Antón. “A Voz de Villalba, un xornal con carácter mensual que editan tres xóvenes escolares”. El Progreso (31-VIII-1984), p. 25.
- París, Manuel. “Aquela mostra de prensa mundial”. ABC (23-VII-2006), p. 40.
- Rodríguez, Rosa. "Xogando a ser xornalistas". Galicia-Hoxe (29-II-2008), p. 46.
- Varela, Froilán. “El Iescha hará un facsímil de la cabecera A Voz de Vilalba”. El Progreso (19-V-2006), p. 21.
[edit] External links
- Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
- Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
- Instituto de Estudos Chairegos
- Colexio Profesional de Xornalistas de Galicia
- Editorial dykinson
- Diario ABC
- Galicia Hoxe
- Código cero
- El Correo Gallego
- El Progreso
- YOU TUBE: Presentación de la edición facsímil
- A Voz de Vilalba on-line
- Bibliografía Chairega